Message from @Recalibar

Discord ID: 784939222183968778

2020-12-06 00:16:35 UTC  

@Recalibar, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-06 00:17:03 UTC  

But the thing I hate the most about it? It's not allowed to be talked about.

2020-12-06 00:17:22 UTC  

Yes but less damaging if these cases are at least adjudicated.

2020-12-06 00:18:33 UTC  

We cannot openly debate the topic on most social media. People discussing these issues are repressed and forced to accept the claims there is no fraud or be shadowbanned/banned by big tech. It's not concerning these allegations are being made, it's concerning they're being repressed.

2020-12-06 00:19:13 UTC  

So, all you folks seem to be much more educated with this stuff than I am... can anyone explain the 120% voter turnout that Colonel Phil Waldron testifies to during his portion of a couple of these hearings? That guy has some gnarly credentials, but I'm no expert so it sounds great, but I don't know how he got to the conclusions he did. Has that been 'debunked' or is that another thing that the states are blowing off?

2020-12-06 00:20:44 UTC  

@Corndog is a proto-Marxist lover...

2020-12-06 00:21:22 UTC

2020-12-06 00:21:22 UTC  

I believe the voter turnout is being cross-referenced to census data in these cases. But I'm unsure of the exact methodology. I put it in my personal category of "plausable."

2020-12-06 00:21:49 UTC  

I have to agree with you here.

2020-12-06 00:22:25 UTC  

Okay bring it before the public then. I keep hearing about this massive voter fraud but I've yet to see someone bring the proof. I was quite intrigued by this video out of Georgia but then it turns out they've already investigated it and there's a very plausible explanation for it.

2020-12-06 00:22:49 UTC  

That seems like it would make sense to me! His testimony was the most compelling IMO, so I was curious.

2020-12-06 00:22:51 UTC  

You got it all figured out. Keep fighting that fight comrade.

2020-12-06 00:23:35 UTC  

I suspect that a lot of information isn't being publicized, and there's a lot of OPSEC going on behind the scenes.

2020-12-06 00:24:14 UTC  

If these claims are true this is actual cyber-warfare. That's the thing.

2020-12-06 00:25:28 UTC  

@Corndog needs to learn recognize

Totalitarianism is a concept[1][2] for a form of government or political system that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. In totalitarian states, political power has often been held by autocrats who employ all-encompassing campaigns in which propaganda is broadcast by state-controlled mass media.[3]

2020-12-06 00:25:31 UTC  

Esp. in regards to the Dominion systems intel, which the Colonel is alleging sources from Iran and China.

2020-12-06 00:25:32 UTC  

political civil war at this point. Two universes are colliding.

2020-12-06 00:27:16 UTC  

Im not here for that crap. Not engaging in pointless sophistry.

2020-12-06 00:27:27 UTC  

Sorry had to block that guy.

2020-12-06 00:28:14 UTC  


2020-12-06 00:29:08 UTC  

Some guy was going on about something wouldn’t leave me alone about it. Pay it no mind. Sorry for the distraction.

2020-12-06 00:29:08 UTC  

@Corndog, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-06 00:29:41 UTC  

Ah alright, it was non-specific so I wasn't sure who was referenced.

2020-12-06 00:30:31 UTC  

Just in case someone saw it and wondered what happened.

2020-12-06 00:31:57 UTC  

Benito looks like Gru

2020-12-06 00:32:13 UTC  

Sorry but my tinfoil hat is not that big. If the Trump team has proof President Trump himself can put it on his YouTube channel where I watched his speech.

2020-12-06 00:32:23 UTC  

il duce

2020-12-06 00:32:33 UTC  

I wrote extensively on why I think that might not be the way to look at this, possibly. See:

2020-12-06 00:32:45 UTC  

If I were an attorney, I wouldn't lay my entire case on the table before filing. Just like, when I play poker, I don't show my cards until it's time to show my hand.

ALL of the evidence for Sidney's cases is filed and you can read it all on courtlistener. I have.

2020-12-06 00:32:57 UTC

2020-12-06 00:33:06 UTC

2020-12-06 00:33:25 UTC  
2020-12-06 00:34:37 UTC  

I have to and that's why I remain unconvinced. in the Georgia case she claims that the QR codes are different than the human readable print on the ballots and yet they hand-counted those ballots in Georgia and found that count to be the same as the machine count. In fact one of her remedies is exactly what they've already done in Georgia.

2020-12-06 00:34:39 UTC  

He has said this crap before but as the Head of Georgia's Executive branch, he could ORDER it investigated...he doesn't have to ask anyone.

2020-12-06 00:35:50 UTC  

From what I can figure, those things didn't happen. No switching occurred. I also can explain why the people who tried to extrapolate meaning out of the NYT data feed election night were working under false assumptions.

2020-12-06 00:35:53 UTC  

We went through this discussion earlier. Pristine ballots in the recount need to be forensically examined for me to believe they're not fraudulent.

2020-12-06 00:36:06 UTC  

Stalling, if you ask me. It's why Powell is pushing her lawsuit.

2020-12-06 00:37:22 UTC  

If you ask me, the states where Powell isn't pushing lawsuits are the ones that are more or less aware of the allegations and are actively investigating, whether those investigations are public or not.

2020-12-06 00:37:29 UTC  

There's no such thing as a Smartmatic Backbone in their competitor's software. Software cannot magically infect the codebase of another company's product.

2020-12-06 00:37:34 UTC  

Doesn't matter what you and I believe. It matters what they can prove in a court of law. You've decided what you're going to believe regardless. I'm open to be in convinced by evidence