Message from @busillis

Discord ID: 785975441403543554

2020-12-08 21:01:05 UTC  

If Trump did not appear to fight he might lose support in his base, though I would argue he's losing support anyway. The end game is to burn down the grand old party, which I'm all about, my desire is the Democrat machine will be torch too.

2020-12-08 21:01:08 UTC  

Lol. Why is this all so heated?

2020-12-08 21:01:14 UTC  

@Dedkraken exactly. Evidence is evidence by virtue of the source.

2020-12-08 21:01:36 UTC  

No more personal attacks. This stops now, if you can't be civil with one another then we can't let you be a part of the conversation here. I want everyone to be able to discuss in this channel without the fear of being chastised and demeaned.

The next people to make personal attacks on another person will be kicked from the server, and if it continues from there, it leaves me no option but to ban people.

I hope this makes things abundantly clear to folks. Keep a lid on your tempers.

2020-12-08 21:01:48 UTC  

@DrSammyD be nice.
@TaLoN132 thats a offensive generalization i don't appreciate. I haven't called u any names. In fact I've done my best to understand ur position. The reward for my patience is getting generalize. Not very nice.

2020-12-08 21:02:14 UTC  

#2020 burn it all

2020-12-08 21:02:43 UTC  

@Maw laying down the ban hammer.

2020-12-08 21:03:37 UTC  

As a side note, this thing is really starting to get interesting now that TX is suing other states. That’s pretty gnarly.

2020-12-08 21:03:43 UTC  

question: what does it mean for a scotus case to be "docketed"?

2020-12-08 21:04:02 UTC  

does "docketed" mean they have agreed to hear the case? or does it mean they can still decline it?

2020-12-08 21:04:07 UTC  

@Zuluzeit what fraud claims are u referencing?

2020-12-08 21:04:17 UTC  

What name did I call you??? I have never called anyone on this server a name - from what I recall. I questioned a position you had - trying to point out the irony.

2020-12-08 21:04:19 UTC  

askiing because the texas case has been docketed, but idk what that means lol

2020-12-08 21:04:22 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit what fraud claims are u referencing?
@♤amanda any

2020-12-08 21:04:32 UTC  

After all the nonsense about covid having fake death numbers Florida governor sending in cops to break into a womans home for not lying for them to open state up 🤑

2020-12-08 21:04:39 UTC  

You called me a trump supporter. I take offense

2020-12-08 21:04:55 UTC  

I retracted that...

2020-12-08 21:05:20 UTC  

Ok, I retract the garden comment.

2020-12-08 21:05:30 UTC  

Wtf Florida 😅

2020-12-08 21:05:34 UTC  

And I didn't say you were a Trump supporter... I inferred it to be technical.

2020-12-08 21:05:47 UTC  

A great leap to Maoism is the only way forward.

2020-12-08 21:06:55 UTC  

The peasantry demands it.

2020-12-08 21:07:29 UTC  

Dems have a shot at senate after that debate debacle

2020-12-08 21:08:23 UTC  

I think loeffler somehow managed to do worse than an empty podium

2020-12-08 21:10:03 UTC  

I thought loeffler was a big time Dominion equity holder? Why no voter magic.

2020-12-08 21:10:33 UTC  

Try to not resort to name-calling other people, or inferring they're something that could be construed as offensive. You'd not like it most likely if someone called you a communist, so perhaps you should avoid calling people "Trump supporters" (which the media often demeans through various means)

2020-12-08 21:10:54 UTC  

It's going to likely lead to some sort of conflict.

2020-12-08 21:11:30 UTC  

I mean I did call him a tool before that.

2020-12-08 21:11:42 UTC  

Yes, which you 100% shouldn't have done.

2020-12-08 21:11:50 UTC  

Seriously @Maw It was in response to him calling me a Tool and telling me to F-off, and Shut the F-Up...

2020-12-08 21:11:59 UTC  

Dirty trumpet as bad as well?

2020-12-08 21:12:15 UTC  

What is this Twitter now? Censorship. What do you call a trump supporter other than a trump supporter?

2020-12-08 21:12:19 UTC  

@TaLoN132 You could have asked me to intervene. I'd much prefer that then continuing down the road of mud-slinging.

2020-12-08 21:12:49 UTC  

Is that better or worse than a rusty trombone

2020-12-08 21:13:04 UTC  

We need more moderators here, ones without personal opinions.

2020-12-08 21:13:21 UTC  


2020-12-08 21:13:26 UTC  

What mudslinging? He had taken a Pro-Trump stance on a series of issues. It was not meant as a pejorative. People use that term all over this site.

2020-12-08 21:13:26 UTC  

Sorry, I'm a fan of polemics, but I'll refrain.

2020-12-08 21:13:40 UTC  

Name 1 other than election fraud

2020-12-08 21:13:44 UTC  

Thank you.

2020-12-08 21:13:55 UTC  

Trombones are quite large, with that I guess it depends on one's perspective and threshold for pain.