Message from @Cali La La

Discord ID: 786020948037468200

2020-12-08 23:59:04 UTC  

yeah so much news its hard to keep track of everything

2020-12-08 23:59:07 UTC  

Seal Team Six Storms Buckingham Palace and Siezes Dominion Master Controls

2020-12-09 00:00:04 UTC  

37 Rothschilds in Custody

2020-12-09 00:00:24 UTC  

Whoops. Showtime.

2020-12-09 00:00:28 UTC  

I heard Jimmy savile's corpse was found and it had been violated posthumously.

2020-12-09 00:00:36 UTC  

Could this be true?

2020-12-09 00:00:39 UTC  

That was me

2020-12-09 00:00:46 UTC  

And a bunch of other guys

2020-12-09 00:01:19 UTC  

In the Carnation of this Avatar you don't appear to be deceased no good for the necrophiliac.

2020-12-09 00:01:48 UTC  


2020-12-09 00:02:00 UTC  

Gonna go watch. Stay special.

2020-12-09 00:02:51 UTC  

I suppose your current manifestation could be some fairly humorous and entertaining ml.

2020-12-09 00:02:53 UTC  

So, now I'm readying that the Supreme Court did not decline to hear the Pennsylvania case, they denied the request for a court order overturning PA election before hearing the case.... does anyone know if that's correct?

2020-12-09 00:03:04 UTC  

Sorry... reading** not readying... lol

2020-12-09 00:03:45 UTC  

I believe this is correct. They denied the injunction, not the whole case

2020-12-09 00:03:47 UTC

2020-12-09 00:04:45 UTC  

@Huila so you want to talk about the cultural revolution that were currently undergoing in the USA.

2020-12-09 00:05:32 UTC  

Would it be more palatable if I put massive in front of cultural revolution?

2020-12-09 00:06:24 UTC  

so the case is still going to be heard?

2020-12-09 00:06:37 UTC  

That's what it looks like

2020-12-09 00:06:47 UTC  


2020-12-09 00:07:00 UTC  

this is motion 20a98^^^

2020-12-09 00:07:20 UTC  

which was denied, i dont think it addresses the action case. just the injunction pending the case

2020-12-09 00:07:30 UTC  

actual** not action

2020-12-09 00:07:58 UTC  

Full disclosure I've done my part to indirectly give back to all the trumpets as $50 a week as being deducted directly from my bank account for the Donald Trump massive election fraud legal fund.

2020-12-09 00:07:59 UTC  

I dont think it says if the case will be heard or not

2020-12-09 00:08:52 UTC  

In addition I've received a make blue lives matter again ball cap. So there's that.

2020-12-09 00:11:13 UTC  

I have been trying to find anything I can about the Electoral College process for Congress to object to an elector or a slate of electors from a given state. This seems to be pretty straightforward - a Senator and a Representative of the House must both submit in writing their objection and the reason. Assuming they did this right, the Joint Session ends and they go to their respective Houses to debate for a maximum of 2 hours, with each member getting no more than 5 minutes. After which, each House votes on whether to accept or reject the elector. It is rejected only if both houses vote to reject. Otherwise, it/they is/are counted.

I cannot, however, find anywhere that says the objection vote in each house is anything other than a straight up vote. The contingent election is specific about each state only getting a single vote in the House for president, but there is no language in Title 3 Section 15 about it being anything other than a straight up vote, which means that any attempt to challenge electors on January 6th is likely to fail in the House.

Does anyone have any information about whether an objection vote in the House is a straight vote or not?

2020-12-09 00:11:37 UTC  

In other news I lost the cap being dragged out of a motor vehicle and beaten by police who mistook me for a wanted drug user.

2020-12-09 00:11:38 UTC  

@busillis, you just advanced to level 31!

2020-12-09 00:13:56 UTC  

Well you can take solace knowing that the issues will be hashed out by Master debaters.

2020-12-09 00:14:07 UTC  

I'm glad I could help.

2020-12-09 00:14:14 UTC  

"The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice."

2020-12-09 00:15:19 UTC  

"the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote"

2020-12-09 00:17:16 UTC  

That's the contingent election if someone does not get a majority of Electors. I am interested in knowing what kind of vote the House does when considering an objection to a specific elector or a slate of electors from a state - if objected to by a Senator and Rep in writing.

2020-12-09 00:17:46 UTC  

Oh I see

2020-12-09 00:18:05 UTC  

I think they just debate the matter in both chambers for no longer than 2 hours and then vote on it.

2020-12-09 00:19:21 UTC  

From there a dispute would have to be agreed on by both chambers I think.