Message from @Starscraper

Discord ID: 786641337419825192

2020-12-10 17:01:59 UTC  

And a big ass katana...

2020-12-10 17:02:05 UTC  

I've just been trying to figure out if fervent Trump supporters will ever be able to accept that they were hoodwinked into believing that widespread election fraud had actually taken place? The majority of dismissed cases were by Republican appointees - many of them by Trump himself, but it's all part of the conspiracy, in their minds. At this point, I'm not sure Trump himself could convince them that it was legit. They would claim that he is just being magnanimous, which may be the first time in his life that anyone would accuse him of such a thing.

2020-12-10 17:03:28 UTC  


The Democratic primary 2016 proved that to me.

2020-12-10 17:04:03 UTC  

they shouldnt have complained about him being a Russian agent

2020-12-10 17:04:03 UTC  

@Phil, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-12-10 17:05:25 UTC  

It’s simple. Enforce the laws. That’s how you get republicans to have faith in elections. What is hard to understand about that?

2020-12-10 17:05:46 UTC  


2020-12-10 17:06:16 UTC  

they had less evidence for russian collusion then they do now for fraud

2020-12-10 17:06:58 UTC  

Either we have laws and rules regarding elections or we don’t. That is what SCOTUS is determining now.

2020-12-10 17:07:41 UTC  

Why were there no qualms in 2016, on the GOP side?

2020-12-10 17:07:41 UTC  

Either we are a constitutional republic or we have 50 individual monarchs

2020-12-10 17:08:01 UTC  

What was the evidence?

2020-12-10 17:08:13 UTC  

Under this health emergency this is exactly what we have.

2020-12-10 17:08:50 UTC  

Problem is there is no constitutional article or amendment addressing health emergencies

2020-12-10 17:08:58 UTC  

There were, the DNC selected the queen rather than Bernie.

2020-12-10 17:09:14 UTC  

Clear-cut fraud.

2020-12-10 17:09:31 UTC  

That’s their right. They can do so if they want, constitutionally

2020-12-10 17:09:38 UTC  

General election is different

2020-12-10 17:10:19 UTC  

It shows that the whole thing is a sham.

2020-12-10 17:10:31 UTC  

An emergency does not allow either the federal government or state governments to grant themselves any new powers. The federal government is still one of enumerated powers, and states cannot act arbitrarily.

2020-12-10 17:11:49 UTC  

"Either the Constitution matters or it is just a piece of paper in the national archives"

2020-12-10 17:12:53 UTC  

Another interesting thing.

2020-12-10 17:13:39 UTC  

This says 21. Another source said 18. I'm not sure what the count is right now, but this is uh... shaping up.

2020-12-10 17:14:18 UTC  

didnt Colorado express an interest?

2020-12-10 17:14:21 UTC  

But nah, I'm sure 21 states are just insane, delusional Trump supporters, right?

2020-12-10 17:14:45 UTC  

How can I get my state involved?

2020-12-10 17:14:45 UTC  

@d0c5i5, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-10 17:15:08 UTC  

Write your Attorney General. Start a petition to your Attorney General. More likely you just need to find the active one.

2020-12-10 17:15:31 UTC  

To my knowledge the 18-21 other states are just in support of the lawsuit to be heard by SCOTUS. They haven’t necessarily intervened, correct?

2020-12-10 17:15:44 UTC  

There is no constitutional provision for "emergency powers"

It is functionally just martial law where "If I can get away with this then I can do this - might makes right".

2020-12-10 17:16:11 UTC  

And that was my point.

2020-12-10 17:16:15 UTC  

I don't know how many of them have filed "Friend of the Court" documents supporting it. But I believe some have.

2020-12-10 17:16:15 UTC  

@Starscraper I though you were banned for using hate speech.

2020-12-10 17:16:32 UTC  

I think your speech is pretty hateful, too

2020-12-10 17:17:00 UTC  

Agreed... While the left bears most of the blame for running with that narrative, I think that Trump could have done a better job early on to quash that whole thing. He and his team were knew to the whole DC thing - that was their appeal. They had some meetings that should have been reported that didn't go anywhere - if he had come clean, there would have been short term embarrassment, but it would've blown over in days. The Russians wanted the Trump administration to appear compromised and probably made sure it was revealed. The goal was to cause division in the US and they succeeded.

Countries that want to weaken the US couldn't be happier about the way things are transpiring now. We all grow up learning that United, we stand, Divided, we fall. We should take heed. I hope Biden resists the urge to go after Trump.

2020-12-10 17:17:05 UTC  

Paxton was on Crowder this morning and he asserted that between 5-10 states /might/ join the case.

2020-12-10 17:17:34 UTC  

In regards to the young woman in Florida being rated by the SWAT team.

2020-12-10 17:18:08 UTC  

Interesting point being, people think those certain Trump supporters are crazy for calling for martial law, but we've been under martial law for months now.

2020-12-10 17:18:26 UTC  

Fortunately most police officers in most places have been smarter than to try to enforce it.