Message from @vfc alcutta

Discord ID: 786813280916078602

2020-12-11 04:11:35 UTC  

Best way ;)

2020-12-11 04:12:28 UTC  

Nevermind, I gutted a lot already and it's still huge..

2020-12-11 04:12:33 UTC  


I would like to propose a thought experiment. Let's stipulate the following:

1) There was absolutely fraud...
-> There absolutely was

2) President Trump has said Biden only wins via fraud
-> Seems about right

3) CISA/EAC allegedly made things more secure
-> I'm not so sure about that. Having reviewed the testing plan for certification, and the results for
Democracy Suite 5.5, I kinda get the sense that they might have rubber stamped approval. I'm not entirely sure
WHO approved it, though. Their last certification was in 2018, AFAICT.

Some additional circumstances around GA that I find intriguing are statements from Marcia Ridley that an
update had been performed on Dominion systems the day before the election. Furthermore, a statement from Dominion indicates
that they would have known an update had been performed if one had, in fact, been performed. Now, how could they know that
if their boxes aren't connected to the internet, or some other unapproved network? Their enumerated functionality state that
Dominion boxes do not communicate over public networks, nor do they have the capacity to do so.

4) With recounts in GA and WI showing that the paper ballots match the electronically tabulated totals, if
votes were flipped, someone had to have replaced real paper ballots for Trump with fake ballots for Biden.
-> This is a tricky problem to ponder. Let's assume a bad actor has control over the universe of registered voters.
Let's also say that, at most, we expect 40 people to vote in the election. 10 mail in ballots for Trump, 10 in-person votes for Trump
10 mail-in ballots for Biden, and 10 in-person votes for Biden.

2020-12-11 04:12:48 UTC  


20 votes total for Trump
20 votes total for Biden
In order to give Biden the win, we just need some more ballots. Let's give him another 10 mail in ballots.

Now, where did those extra 10 come from?

Well, we kinda did a dick move, there, with the assistance of the dump from Equifax a while back.
Names, addresses, phone numbers, DL#s, social security numbers... We got 10s of millions of potential new personas from that one.

With that data, and some help from Facebook to identify unlikely voters, et. al, we could find voting age people in GA, living or dead, and either
register them to vote, or update their voter registration information online at

All we want is 10 extra votes, though, so we're not going to cast ballots for anything but that. Just enough to bridge the gap, plus a little extra.

Now, you might ask, "Where did you get the ballots from?" - Well, we requested some, and we fabricated others, just in case Trump
had a blowout like last time, we'll bring in the completely fabricated ones to make up any extreme difference.

This is the most important election in history, right?

5) To date, no evidence of fraud
-> This claim is disputed. If you haven't guessed already, I'm arguing Matt Braynard's dataset.

Given these assumptions/facts, which is more likely?

(a) The Democrats stole the election
(b) The Republicans are stealing the election back

2020-12-11 04:12:56 UTC  


Or is there another possible explanation that we should consider?
-> I think all of the above are true, but this last point is the one I think is the most accurate.
Truth be told, it really doesn't matter at this point who won the election. There are a huge number of people
who want to go to church, not subsidize abortion, keep driving cars with gas that's less than $2/gallon, shoot guns all day long
and not have to worry about not having ammo around, and just generally be left the hell alone. There's no way we're going to tolerate
a gross encroachment on our freedom and way of life as proposed by the Chinese Communist Proxy Joe Biden and his sleep-her-way-to-the-top VP Harris.

I mean, it's just not going to happen. The election didn't even matter.

2020-12-11 04:15:34 UTC  

Smartmatic CEO at the Atlantic Council went on about how paper ballots were unsafe and explained exactly how to hack an election with paper ballots alone.

2020-12-11 04:16:19 UTC  

for me there is too much circumstantial evidence, it warrants a closer look. you have big incentives to cheat and lots of documented opportunities. whether they can prove specific people did it.. and also in the time constraints is another matter

2020-12-11 04:17:02 UTC  

@inwa this been know since 2016.. why trump team Strike Force .didnt do anything . Bwcause they won on it..

2020-12-11 04:17:26 UTC  

This has actually been known since Diebold.

2020-12-11 04:18:19 UTC  

Lin wood. The guy that said. Dont vote in the run off. For Republicans

2020-12-11 04:19:37 UTC  

he can hardly say the whole system is fraud..but please go vote

2020-12-11 04:23:06 UTC  

I posted links to the full copies of Lin Wood’s Amicus brief & petition for Writ Centiorari docs in the SCOTUS chat for review

2020-12-11 04:23:22 UTC  

The Truly time.. said CCP virus pandemic.. first time i see this phrasing

2020-12-11 04:31:07 UTC  

Why not hear the evidence??? scotus .. play ALL of this out on national tv. Let America hear the evidence and the explanation for why its legit or unlawful. Not hearing the merits IS NOT OK! if they pulled a fast one, if its all legit, if they got busted... LET AMERICA SEE! Why is anyone against this??????? Truth is all that matters.

2020-12-11 04:31:54 UTC  

Massive mail in, unverifiable paper ballots for Trump 2016?

2020-12-11 04:32:15 UTC  

Unless you're a crooked dirty political hack. Or satan.

2020-12-11 04:34:36 UTC  

@inwa he won the presidency by less thah 76,365 votes i think..the used the same machines. What u think happened back then..

2020-12-11 04:34:49 UTC  

No fraud

2020-12-11 04:35:04 UTC  

Prove it

2020-12-11 04:35:57 UTC  

They got lawsuits like he is getting now..and of those were dismissed...

2020-12-11 04:36:07 UTC  

America AND the world are watching and if anything Trump has done is fully expose the diabolical atrocities of the DNC or the neo branded libs and republicans.

2020-12-11 04:36:40 UTC  

2021 time for the other side to control..

2020-12-11 04:38:12 UTC  

Then the constitution needs ammended for standardized federal elections. This cannot EVER happen again! Although, lets be honest...pretty much contempt for Hillary Clinton is broadly nonpartisan

2020-12-11 04:39:20 UTC  

Yes!!!!! I'm DISGUSTED and so ashamed of the leadership of our country. The swamp is such a cesspool there are no words.

2020-12-11 04:39:20 UTC  

@vfc alcutta, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-11 04:41:22 UTC  

So you support Hunter Biden for attorney general?

2020-12-11 04:42:35 UTC  

That would be quite the late-night TV show...

2020-12-11 04:43:21 UTC  

It's actually very logical...

2020-12-11 04:43:58 UTC  

😂 um. No. I have sympathy for Hunter. He was born into his role. Im sure he didn't persuade his dad to get into all of this. But he will take the fall. Or the trip... or stump his toe.

2020-12-11 04:44:49 UTC  

@Repeat those chinese news. Bannon. Kraken lady... saying hong Kong is have 112 cases of covid..and they are food 30cent increased of corn

2020-12-11 04:46:50 UTC  

Probably a CCP agent,, or got some gifts

2020-12-11 04:47:47 UTC  

It could also make a great reality show...

2020-12-11 04:48:03 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire how much are they all getting pay..

2020-12-11 04:48:12 UTC  

Ironic how the first coronavirus case in the US was in Washington state and now, Asian killer horets with the capacity to completely decimate our honey bee population

2020-12-11 04:48:19 UTC  

I mean for most people covid is about making the numbers go down on the screen. China did a very good job at making the numbers go down on the screen.