Message from @vfc alcutta

Discord ID: 786815521566883850

2020-12-11 04:23:06 UTC  

I posted links to the full copies of Lin Wood’s Amicus brief & petition for Writ Centiorari docs in the SCOTUS chat for review

2020-12-11 04:23:22 UTC  

The Truly time.. said CCP virus pandemic.. first time i see this phrasing

2020-12-11 04:31:07 UTC  

Why not hear the evidence??? scotus .. play ALL of this out on national tv. Let America hear the evidence and the explanation for why its legit or unlawful. Not hearing the merits IS NOT OK! if they pulled a fast one, if its all legit, if they got busted... LET AMERICA SEE! Why is anyone against this??????? Truth is all that matters.

2020-12-11 04:31:54 UTC  

Massive mail in, unverifiable paper ballots for Trump 2016?

2020-12-11 04:32:15 UTC  

Unless you're a crooked dirty political hack. Or satan.

2020-12-11 04:34:36 UTC  

@inwa he won the presidency by less thah 76,365 votes i think..the used the same machines. What u think happened back then..

2020-12-11 04:34:49 UTC  

No fraud

2020-12-11 04:35:04 UTC  

Prove it

2020-12-11 04:35:57 UTC  

They got lawsuits like he is getting now..and of those were dismissed...

2020-12-11 04:36:07 UTC  

America AND the world are watching and if anything Trump has done is fully expose the diabolical atrocities of the DNC or the neo branded libs and republicans.

2020-12-11 04:36:40 UTC  

2021 time for the other side to control..

2020-12-11 04:38:12 UTC  

Then the constitution needs ammended for standardized federal elections. This cannot EVER happen again! Although, lets be honest...pretty much contempt for Hillary Clinton is broadly nonpartisan

2020-12-11 04:39:20 UTC  

Yes!!!!! I'm DISGUSTED and so ashamed of the leadership of our country. The swamp is such a cesspool there are no words.

2020-12-11 04:39:20 UTC  

@vfc alcutta, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-11 04:41:22 UTC  

So you support Hunter Biden for attorney general?

2020-12-11 04:42:35 UTC  

That would be quite the late-night TV show...

2020-12-11 04:43:21 UTC  

It's actually very logical...

2020-12-11 04:43:58 UTC  

😂 um. No. I have sympathy for Hunter. He was born into his role. Im sure he didn't persuade his dad to get into all of this. But he will take the fall. Or the trip... or stump his toe.

2020-12-11 04:44:49 UTC  

@Repeat those chinese news. Bannon. Kraken lady... saying hong Kong is have 112 cases of covid..and they are food 30cent increased of corn

2020-12-11 04:46:50 UTC  

Probably a CCP agent,, or got some gifts

2020-12-11 04:47:47 UTC  

It could also make a great reality show...

2020-12-11 04:48:03 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire how much are they all getting pay..

2020-12-11 04:48:12 UTC  

Ironic how the first coronavirus case in the US was in Washington state and now, Asian killer horets with the capacity to completely decimate our honey bee population

2020-12-11 04:48:19 UTC  

I mean for most people covid is about making the numbers go down on the screen. China did a very good job at making the numbers go down on the screen.

2020-12-11 04:48:50 UTC  

@MatiLuc I like what you did with the avatar.

2020-12-11 04:49:01 UTC  

I like I mean love @MatiLuc

2020-12-11 04:49:31 UTC  

Well have to say... I was expecting more. I know you have an analytical mind, but you chose to respond with rhetoric and hyperbole. Your analysis of potential methods of perpetrating fraud was myopic and incomplete.

First... Nobody is going to be sitting at a precinct hoping to eke out enough votes that their candidate wins their precinct. There is no benefit to it. Plus, your describing a reactive process that would require privacy to work, preparation to have fake ballots at the ready, a way to stuff them without anybody noticing or you have to have everyone at the precinct in on it. Then... because you are talking about needing tens of thousands of votes to swing the election, this has to be done all over the state... with no one getting caught - while being surrounded by Trump supporters all doing their best to catch anyone remotely suspicious in the act... And the Dems were soooo good at it - not one corrupt election worker was caught red-handed with fake Joe Biden ballots on their way in or replaced valid Trump ballots on their way out.

Matt Braynard produced a list of potential fraud victims - a blueprint for identifying actual fraud cases. With Trump's $210m+ legal defense fund, you would think someone mind spend a tiny fraction of that to chase down the leads Braynard identified, right? Investigate... See if you can identify where the requested ballots were sent, who rented to address/mailbox, check out surveillance footage, credit payments, ID provided for the rental - you know, investigating. But... not one arrest from Braynards list has been reported. How hard would it be?

2020-12-11 04:49:39 UTC  

Even if someone had somehow used breached data to be able to request mail-in ballots and they had done some research to check the Social Media posts to determine that they don't vote, because that's something everyone puts on their profile, They were so successful at IDing breached non-voters that they were nearly 100% successful in choosing those that would not request their own ballot or go vote in person. I've heard a couple of folks showed up at the polls, but they were told that they requested a mail-in ballot and had to vote provisionally, but it was not a huge number - and several of those were found to have actually requested one and forgot.

That being said... Dems/Libs don't care about who or what God you pray to or worship; Don't think anyone should have a say in the legal medical procedures that one might avail themselves of using income that they earn (insurance is part of earned income); Have helped keep gas prices down by getting auto manufacturers to be more efficient causing gluts in the oil market by lowering demand (gas prices are controlled by oil companies reducing output to choke off supply); more libs have changed their stance on guns in the last 9 months than you could imagine - fire away. And BS fearmongering about Joe Biden being controlled by China is probably the most disappointing thing of all - and to denigrate Kamala Harris in a misogynistic way is petty and sad.

2020-12-11 04:50:25 UTC  

Maybe we should start a petition on the White House website and demand that Hunter Biden be made the attorney general and that it be turned into a reality show.

2020-12-11 04:50:34 UTC  

@Lock Them Up! Concerning the CCP, a Biden administration will change the entire worlds stance on containment. Hunter Biden was exchanging goes deeper than we possibly know.

2020-12-11 04:50:50 UTC  

@busillis just for today . Have some fun . Might be to offensive might get banned.. you know we are living in political incorrect times

2020-12-11 04:51:17 UTC  


2020-12-11 04:52:55 UTC  

@inwa inwa dont bring the dirt on the bidens only.. because Trump's family is getting alot of money from China