Message from @MatiLuc

Discord ID: 787077315149824010

2020-12-11 21:57:17 UTC  


2020-12-11 21:57:25 UTC  

Any antifa lurking here?

2020-12-11 21:57:30 UTC  

Has Q really flipped sides?

2020-12-11 21:57:46 UTC  


2020-12-11 21:57:47 UTC  

Ya boy Trump just hooked us up with another Federal Holiday.

2020-12-11 21:58:04 UTC  

The deep state is persecuting Hunter Biden...

2020-12-11 21:58:34 UTC  

Let’s go big guy.

2020-12-11 21:59:07 UTC  

Big guy is trying to do the thing...

2020-12-11 21:59:29 UTC  

Again... Nearly all of the claims of irregularities or potential fraud are only valid when assuming malfeasance or ill intent on the poll workers. In any criminal case - and fraud is a crime - the assumption is of innocence until proven otherwise. Trump supporters all assume guilt in every one of the affidavits that I read. If they did not assume that people were doing something nefarious, every one of those affidavits could have perfectly logical, non-fraud explanations. And I think this does a disservice to any potential witnesses to real fraud.

It's been my biggest problem with the way the Trump team has handled this from the beginning. The Trump campaign should have hired a small army of investigators to chase down actual fraud - not take down affidavits from anyone willing to say they saw something that might be suspicious. If they had done the slightest bit of investigating, they could have turned the results over to a friendly law enforcement agency and possibly triggered some arrests. They made no effort to separate the wheat from the chaff and put the onus on the judges to do the leg work. It was a tactical error that belies a lack of substance. Nobody who had a strong case would attempt to flood a court with binders full of nonsense if they had substantial evidence. Either that or they are woefully inept.

2020-12-11 22:00:24 UTC  

@meglide Dont do as i say your Fire!!!!! Reason why the Dr. Rick Wright from BARDA

2020-12-11 22:00:44 UTC  

> Any antifa lurking here?
@txgho Yes, what's up?

2020-12-11 22:01:15 UTC  

That's really bizarre the Texas lawsuit claims wayne county had 174000 votes discrepancy between voters and votes cast? Are they nuts? πŸ˜‚

2020-12-11 22:01:56 UTC  

You need to work on your lurking friend.

2020-12-11 22:01:57 UTC  

Since@Zuluzeit has let the cat out of the bag, we will have you know this is an auntie fascist bronco.

2020-12-11 22:02:57 UTC  

Zuluzeit isn’t anti fascist, he has way too much trust in the justice system

2020-12-11 22:03:02 UTC  

Damn Lou Dobbs is losing it he should take a vacation or retirement

2020-12-11 22:03:06 UTC  

Antifa burns down the justice system

2020-12-11 22:03:32 UTC  

In the name of Just US.

2020-12-11 22:04:05 UTC  

@TaLoN132 but you are forgetting one thing

2020-12-11 22:04:15 UTC  

Just a lil fishing and no bidge.

2020-12-11 22:04:15 UTC  

@Dedkraken he is a good laugh when i watch his interviews and speeches

2020-12-11 22:11:34 UTC  

R U lil angler?

2020-12-11 22:11:58 UTC  

You are kind of making my point... Your initial response was that the fact that there were so many reports of irregularities in those cities, it had to mean something. It means that is where they were looking. Those areas seem like they have more issues, because those are the only areas where it behooves Trump to highlight the issues. If Trump had somehow lost NC, I guarantee they would have solicited witnesses and gotten them to attest to any number of issues in NC, but they would likely have made the same mistake of not doing any substantive investigation. It would be so much more effective to have 10 provable cases of fraud than a thousand unsubstantiated allegations.

Being a Patriot has served everyone who has testified for Trump very well. Some are now internationally famous. Last I checked... not one had been harmed. On the other hand, there have been several people who have been threatened and harassed by Trump supporters when doxed.

Every form of voting is susceptible to some amount of fraud. That is why it is important to have checks and balances build into the process. I think there are likely an equal number of numskulls on both sides of the political divide that are willing to try to tip the scales a little - and are likely offsetting. If they are caught, they absolutely should be prosecuted. But the focus has to be on fraud big enough to tip an election and that is very hard to get away with.

2020-12-11 22:12:22 UTC  

Only one?

2020-12-11 22:13:14 UTC  

tifa 4 life wants to know, is your position? @txgho

2020-12-11 22:14:04 UTC  

Chocolate covered Jesus over @txgho ???

2020-12-11 22:14:16 UTC  

@TaLoN132 i was referring to the fact that trump does not have power to seize the evidence as part of an investigation

2020-12-11 22:15:59 UTC  

and here's what Dr Wright says about getting that vaccine out:

2020-12-11 22:16:40 UTC  

Oh my god Trump just won

2020-12-11 22:16:56 UTC  


2020-12-11 22:16:59 UTC  

Bull Shit

2020-12-11 22:17:31 UTC  

Nice play...

2020-12-11 22:17:39 UTC  


2020-12-11 22:17:54 UTC  


2020-12-11 22:18:09 UTC  

@MatiLuc FDA has seen the data, panel has recommended the vaccine be approved for emergency use (that was yesterday), as Dr Wright himself says lives are at state and any delay means lives lost ... so why let the FDA delay?

2020-12-11 22:18:12 UTC  

Most lawyers have investigators that they work with. If subpoenas are needed, I am pretty sure that they can handle that. But there is a lot of investigating that could be done even without subpoenas.

2020-12-11 22:21:34 UTC  

@meglide they cut alot of corners.... maybe his conscious dont let him aproved fast. He might resign to.

2020-12-11 22:22:04 UTC  

πŸ˜‚ Dead.

2020-12-11 22:22:25 UTC  

What is up