Message from @james j

Discord ID: 787424947026395146

2020-12-12 21:02:39 UTC  

Anyone who thinks Yang or Biden would be, is sadly misguided.

2020-12-12 21:03:07 UTC  

Something I noticed about him is he will say off the wall things which makes people discuss what said while he does something else with his right habd.

2020-12-12 21:03:09 UTC  

Anybody that thinks any of these people are out to do good for their constituency are nuts too.

2020-12-12 21:03:18 UTC  

Something I noticed about him is he will say off the wall things which makes people discuss what said while he does something else with his right habd.

2020-12-12 21:03:20 UTC  

Anybody that thinks any of these people are out to do good for their constituency are nuts too.

2020-12-12 21:03:40 UTC  

Biden will just be a guy in office that will return the county to a normal place . Sleepy joe time after the Trump insanity is good for the country

2020-12-12 21:03:41 UTC  

I mean its directly out of the becoming a dictator 101 playbook. You whip up the nation into a nationalist frenzy, attack the free press, pushing state propaganda, say the election was fixed, pretend theres a legal basis to your case then military coup.

2020-12-12 21:03:51 UTC  

All these guys are worried about is just trying to tell the next lie to get to the next grift.

2020-12-12 21:04:07 UTC  

Fire everyone in the govt and replace them with insane loyalists forgot that

2020-12-12 21:04:10 UTC  

@Darkangael that’s a popular q anon apologetic for messiah Trump

2020-12-12 21:04:13 UTC  

@Dedkraken Would never happen in the US

2020-12-12 21:04:29 UTC  

Trump is basically a religious figure to q anon folk

2020-12-12 21:04:29 UTC  

I'd wager a testicle that Trump wouldn't pass a basic constitutional literacy test.

2020-12-12 21:04:36 UTC  

The military wouldn't follow that order... Against the law and unconstitutional.

2020-12-12 21:04:47 UTC  

And even to many of the religion right. They usually see republican presidents as ordained by god

2020-12-12 21:04:52 UTC  

He put a guy in top level of the Pentagon that thinks covid is partisan because Republicans keep getting it

2020-12-12 21:04:52 UTC  

I don't follow qanon

2020-12-12 21:04:52 UTC  

Isn't idle worship against the Christian religion? Idk. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

2020-12-12 21:05:31 UTC  

You're definitely some kind of masochist, for the suggestion alone.

2020-12-12 21:05:34 UTC  

Not Christian either

2020-12-12 21:05:37 UTC  

Yeah it’s just something they champion as a reason why Trump does nutty things . I don’t think it has any validity. @Darkangael the whole 4 d Chess meme

2020-12-12 21:05:59 UTC  

@Zuluzeit damn... We need to define what testicle removal looks like.

2020-12-12 21:06:35 UTC  

It's not conjuring up pleasant images for me.

2020-12-12 21:06:35 UTC  

I didn’t say you were . There is a lot of overlap in rationale for trump in the regular conservative circle and the religious circles. They kinda of work off each other to apologize (in the defense sense ) for Trump @Darkangael

2020-12-12 21:06:41 UTC  

I mean ofc I dont think the military would follow that order but they are working people up into a violent lather. They keep arresting people making assassination plots death threats a bunch and Trump and the GOP just keep pushing for terrorism

2020-12-12 21:07:07 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit damn... We need to define what testicle removal looks like.
@busillis Not sure anyone would accept it as a wager. Kinda useless, aside from my own fondness.

2020-12-12 21:07:18 UTC  

I think it's the kind if thing he has done most of his life in one way or another, even before he became president I saw it on his tv shows.

2020-12-12 21:07:19 UTC  

@Darkangael, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-12-12 21:07:19 UTC  

@Dedkraken Define "terrorism"

2020-12-12 21:08:06 UTC  

Losing an election, picking up your gun, doing things with it

2020-12-12 21:08:11 UTC  

Let's use the BLM measure, as we've become accustomed to hearing. Sound fair? @{CAP}Radeon

2020-12-12 21:08:16 UTC  

You never know? Were you thinking surgical situation or Rusty meat cleaver under your own volition? There's a spectrum of removal.

2020-12-12 21:08:23 UTC  

It's like they just woke up and said I hate the country let's burn it

2020-12-12 21:08:27 UTC  

@Dedkraken Who's picked up their gun and "done stuff" with it?

2020-12-12 21:08:27 UTC  

@{CAP}Radeon, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-12 21:09:13 UTC  

Other than standing around in support of a cause?

2020-12-12 21:09:23 UTC  

No @Darkangael he hasn’t . That’s just the 4d chess meme. He surrounds him self with competent people. Did you know that the reason trump was on the apprentice was because of the former cnn ceo zucker. Trump is a good marketer (maybe great) but that’s where is expertise ends

2020-12-12 21:09:34 UTC  

> @Dedkraken Who's picked up their gun and "done stuff" with it?
@{CAP}Radeon That's what he's saying they're attempting to incite. This isn't hard.

2020-12-12 21:09:36 UTC  

Uh the people they are arresting trying to kill and kidnap government officials they dont like? They just keep pushing their supporters to do more

2020-12-12 21:10:23 UTC  

Define “doing things”

2020-12-12 21:10:24 UTC  

Normalizing the concept