Message from @Ghostdog

Discord ID: 788248041777004595

2020-12-15 03:28:54 UTC  

> Both extremes of the parties. But significantly moreso from the left because they won't leave you the F alone. Is that my bias? Idk
@SoonMrWick It is your bias, kinda. They are like mirror images of one another.

2020-12-15 03:30:24 UTC  

That thought alone discourages me from breaking the law lol. That and the idea of getting tackled by a German shepherd. Gg, mate.

2020-12-15 03:30:42 UTC  

What are you defining as the far - right. I want to know if its a blind side or if I'm just not lumping a group into the definition that you are.

2020-12-15 03:30:56 UTC  

when the kraken came today they likely all had to patch their systems and reboot

2020-12-15 03:32:20 UTC

2020-12-15 03:32:30 UTC  

@busillis 😯😯😯 thanks

2020-12-15 03:32:53 UTC  

8/10 of the things gateway pundit publishes is either entirely wrong on intentionally misleading

2020-12-15 03:33:00 UTC  

I couldn't do much less.

2020-12-15 03:33:27 UTC  

But NP @yetiCodes

2020-12-15 03:34:13 UTC  

@SoonMrWick I'm not sure it's delineated by extremes. It could be more of a flat 'not my team' thing.

2020-12-15 03:34:32 UTC  

😂 I appreciate you weighing in and I agree, they have a clear bias.

2020-12-15 03:34:40 UTC  

Weird how you don’t hear conservatives yelling about Russia since they did the hack. Instead the are wholly fixated on China

2020-12-15 03:34:58 UTC  

@SoonMrWick Thank you for sharing the story. I grew up in Louisville and live in the next county now. It has been heartbreaking to see. Here is a video newstory of same.

2020-12-15 03:35:23 UTC  

If you researched China you might understand why.

2020-12-15 03:35:30 UTC  

Russia did everything lol, the fraud hearings are Russian disinformation campaigns

2020-12-15 03:35:49 UTC  

That would be irresponsible to say that was certainty. That never stopped anyone.

2020-12-15 03:36:14 UTC  

@Beth if you researched anything you would be equally concerned about Russia , yet you don’t see a consistency of outrage on the right

2020-12-15 03:36:15 UTC  

People that research apt stay in and day out cannot be certain to the actors actually are.

2020-12-15 03:36:18 UTC  

screw Russia and China, some just hate America its obvious

2020-12-15 03:36:42 UTC  

It could be around cyber command.

2020-12-15 03:36:49 UTC  

Russia burned the cities and looted too

2020-12-15 03:36:52 UTC  

I haven’t been screaming about Russia for 4 years and I’m not about to start now.

2020-12-15 03:36:53 UTC  

@busillis when did Trump supporters need certainty or proof to believe anything wholeheartedly

2020-12-15 03:37:03 UTC  

Still. Who's being lumped in and what's the effect.

What I'm considering is groups which are changing language, sexual identity/gender, censorship, pushing for the enforcement of "hate" speech laws, trying to remove the 2nd amendment right.... and also want to allow everyone in the country because borders are racist and bruh, you have to pay for medical for everyone because reasons..... 😂

No biggy.

2020-12-15 03:37:15 UTC  
2020-12-15 03:37:27 UTC  

Right because you listen to what trump says and not the facts , such as the solar winds hack and who was responsible @Beth

2020-12-15 03:37:46 UTC  

the leftists hate the 1st and 2nd amendment, many more coming im sure

2020-12-15 03:37:49 UTC  

Like when the CEO of crowdstrike finally testified front of Congress that they could not prove Russia hacked Hillary Clinton's emails. But that was never corrected in the media.

2020-12-15 03:38:14 UTC  

It sounded good for nearly 4 years.

2020-12-15 03:38:19 UTC  


2020-12-15 03:38:31 UTC  

That’s be bad for ratings.

2020-12-15 03:38:36 UTC  

I don’t know what trump said about solar winds? And I’m not concerned about China because of anything trump has said. That’s a fact.

2020-12-15 03:39:10 UTC  

@james j regarding fixating on China vs Russia -- there has been a significant amount of information (for those willing to hunt for it) regarding the misdirect onto Russia. We are not falling for it anymore. Russia simply doesn't have the $$$$ behind them that China and Zuckerberg do.

2020-12-15 03:39:15 UTC  

They were still going on about them 2 weeks ago 🤦🏼‍♀️

2020-12-15 03:39:20 UTC  

if anyone knows history they know China has been at war with America since it sent human waves at us in Korea

2020-12-15 03:39:56 UTC  

Was the ceo of cloud strike the only person that could weigh in on the issue? Also I don’t remember anything about Hillary’s hacked emails. @busillis

2020-12-15 03:40:23 UTC  

China 🇨🇳 has got those subversive vibes lately..

2020-12-15 03:40:33 UTC  

@Roadtrek Girl yet they just hacked solar winds in one of the biggest breaches in recent history

2020-12-15 03:40:47 UTC  

Equal outrage is yet not seen @Roadtrek Girl