Message from @Ghostdog

Discord ID: 788280333312196618

2020-12-15 05:37:59 UTC  

@TheParamedicGamer, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-15 05:38:09 UTC  

I am quick to forgive

2020-12-15 05:38:15 UTC  

@Ghostdog the ship was optics

2020-12-15 05:38:24 UTC  

@james j actually I have some friends who are nurses and they said it happens all the time. Especially when you go in for something else. AND they think your body can handle a few days of not getting. About two years earlier in a KY Baptist Hospital where he was in for surgery, they also didn't give him his meds -- he actually flat lined -- they brought him back but told us when we reached hospital he was out of it and not going to make it. I walked in his room expecting him to be about gone -- he said "B******* they haven't given me my heart medicine" I went to the CCU desk and told them what he said, they said that isn't possible. I insisted they check and sure enough he hadn't been given his heart meds for almost 3 days. He got his meds and started to recover immediatley with a much more damaged heart. SO IMPORTANT TO HAVE SOMEONE AS AN ADVOCATE WHEN IN THE HOSPITAL.

2020-12-15 05:38:28 UTC  

you quarantine the infected not healthy people, not let them go home and hope they dont spread it or back to the nursing home.. a governor is in charge of their state

2020-12-15 05:38:36 UTC  

Some say my biggest flaw is that I’m too nice

2020-12-15 05:38:48 UTC  

2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?

2020-12-15 05:38:50 UTC  

A President is in charge of the country

2020-12-15 05:39:39 UTC  

A uniformed aligned approached was required. He failed to believe the virus existed.

2020-12-15 05:39:54 UTC  

@TheParamedicGamer You need to watch the first part of Roberts spiel tonight - 42 electoral votes "tossed" to US Congress to decide Jan 6.

2020-12-15 05:40:01 UTC  

Yes never leave anyone alone in. A hospital. .

2020-12-15 05:40:22 UTC  

I'm way behind on the show. But will do. Thanks!

2020-12-15 05:40:31 UTC  

potus cant do much when it comes to how a state health dept is managed, guidelines are not laws

2020-12-15 05:41:22 UTC  

If he doesn't believe its real, nobody will.

2020-12-15 05:42:07 UTC  

trump is evil and bad, Russian puppet, but we better listen to him and believe every word, its hypocrisy

2020-12-15 05:42:07 UTC  

@Ghostdog, you just advanced to level 17!

2020-12-15 05:42:55 UTC  

This is covid policy TO leave people alone in a hospital.

2020-12-15 05:43:18 UTC  

Well you cannot argue with the facts, you have nothing to you repeat nonsense.

2020-12-15 05:43:23 UTC  

By rejecting visitors even in the waiting rooms.

2020-12-15 05:43:42 UTC  

Fauchi preched for a month that we should not be wearing masks, who cares it was Trumps fault too

2020-12-15 05:44:37 UTC  

all the leftists calling Trump racist for banning travel from China, now it wasnt early or good enuf, its a joke honestly

2020-12-15 05:45:09 UTC  

I can't wait for a study to come out that masks caused people to get closer and ignore the six foot distance requirement thereby increasing the transmission rather than reducing it. Additionally the study to find the bacterial consequences of long term use by a total populace.

2020-12-15 05:45:30 UTC  

why didn't he fire fauci? the right always has someone else to blame.

2020-12-15 05:46:03 UTC  

i agree he should have, Trump has done some awful selecting of ppl no doubt

2020-12-15 05:46:13 UTC  

Maybe we should all inject bleach!

2020-12-15 05:46:13 UTC  

Time for me to leave the campfire. THANKS EVERYONE esp @RobertGrulerEsq & @FaithJoy FOR THE HEALTHY DISCOURSE!!! I feel like I can actually sleep tonight.

2020-12-15 05:46:15 UTC  

Don't mistake that for supporting the crowds such as trump rallies. Dont mistake two different arguments.

2020-12-15 05:46:48 UTC  

john bolton, sessions, mattis, idk about barr... many things are questionable

2020-12-15 05:47:07 UTC  

so what does that say about his desion making and response? a complete failure.

2020-12-15 05:47:17 UTC  

take care, be safe

2020-12-15 05:48:03 UTC  

I missed your images... Today is my father-in-law's 84th birthday. He's been retired since 55. He earned it. He is still going strong and he is one of the best people I have ever known. So, I don't agree with this Dr's personal viewpoint on age and his stated opinion that people older than 75 should not do anything to extend their lives is disturbing - especially given in CoVid advisory role. I don't share his perspective and I don't think it is all that defensible. I don't know enough about the rest of his viewpoints to know if there are any offsetting benefits. So, on the surface, I agree that his appointment is troubling. I don't know any administration in my lifetime that I liked or disliked every person.

2020-12-15 05:48:21 UTC  

its questionable no doubt.. i think Trump just wants to appease others and go along to get along... like how he hasnt directed the DOJ to do more etc etc

2020-12-15 05:50:16 UTC  

Dr Fauci is the worsevof them all. Biden will keep him on. what a f'in joke

2020-12-15 05:51:07 UTC  

its scary, NIH is complicit in many deaths and to this day wont give guidance on ivermectin..

2020-12-15 05:52:01 UTC  

But let's be honest. You don't put kavorkians (sp?) mirror image on a global pandemic task force.... unless he's the worst person with sarcasm and has dr. house-like skills. 🙃

2020-12-15 05:52:01 UTC  

@SoonMrWick, you just advanced to level 15!

2020-12-15 05:53:04 UTC  

He would be skinned alive at the town square if he did anything too draconian

2020-12-15 05:53:26 UTC  

Wonderful image.

2020-12-15 05:53:49 UTC  

he will face the consequences of failure to act now tho

2020-12-15 05:54:39 UTC  

on his watch

2020-12-15 05:54:40 UTC  

Perhaps Barr leaving will solve that