Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 788430966556852255

2020-12-15 15:30:19 UTC  

Farmers @Maw

2020-12-15 15:30:22 UTC  

Until toward the end. Lenin was like 'whatever you do, don't let this guy...' sorry dead now.

2020-12-15 15:30:53 UTC  

Stalin robbed banks n' shit.

2020-12-15 15:30:57 UTC  

Dude was nuts.

2020-12-15 15:31:18 UTC  

I’m reminded of the 2012 super bowl commercial of “so god made a farmer”

2020-12-15 15:32:11 UTC  
2020-12-15 15:32:26 UTC  

The joke was “so god made a Mexican”

2020-12-15 15:34:05 UTC  

I zoned out HARD in whatever Tim Pool was saying.

2020-12-15 15:35:06 UTC  

Tim pool is just a guy that markets to the trump base, I wonder if he will start losing viewership if he runs out of pro trump material in a trump less politics. I think he may get a job on trump tv

2020-12-15 15:37:16 UTC

2020-12-15 15:38:07 UTC  

Is that new America

2020-12-15 15:38:15 UTC  


2020-12-15 15:38:23 UTC  

Michigan didnt assign two slates they fought the law and the law won

2020-12-15 15:39:06 UTC

2020-12-15 15:39:47 UTC  

Football ?? Really ??

2020-12-15 15:39:50 UTC  

New matrix coming out

2020-12-15 15:39:55 UTC  

I had to

2020-12-15 15:40:26 UTC

2020-12-15 15:41:56 UTC  

New Mexico? really? ... absolutely insane, Biden won by double digit percentage, not even close

2020-12-15 15:42:50 UTC  

Officer let us in we have paperwork here that says Trump won 🤦

2020-12-15 15:43:10 UTC  

Weird Canada glove in foreground.

2020-12-15 15:43:37 UTC  
2020-12-15 15:43:40 UTC  

They are probably from the glove of Michigan they want to join Canada 😂

2020-12-15 15:44:58 UTC  

so there will be an exchange at the border? where Trump supporters move to Canada as Clinton supporters move back from Canada after 4 years in exile?

2020-12-15 15:45:16 UTC  

A fun state law requires electors to be in the capital to be counted so they thought hrm I'll just break into the building and sit on the real electors laps

2020-12-15 15:45:21 UTC  

This actually happened, yes.

2020-12-15 15:45:39 UTC  

As for Trump supporters moving north, doubtful.

2020-12-15 15:46:03 UTC  

I didn't do it. Not my monkey, not my problem.

2020-12-15 15:46:55 UTC  

Justin Trudeau announced plans to build a border wall to keep out Trump supporters. The US has to pay for it

2020-12-15 15:47:12 UTC  

The voting rules were changed in New Mexico due to covid. I live there and I received in the mail 4 or 5 unsolicited applications for absentee ballots for people who don’t live at my address and as far I can tell, never lived here prior.

2020-12-15 15:47:12 UTC  

Law & order, @Dedkraken special victim.

2020-12-15 15:47:14 UTC  

right Trump supporters want succession whereas the Clinton supporters all moved to Canada last time

2020-12-15 15:47:14 UTC  

Trudeau is still worse than Biden by like multiples.

2020-12-15 15:47:36 UTC  

Slow clap for how funny that border joke was.

2020-12-15 15:47:44 UTC  

I'm still recovering

2020-12-15 15:48:22 UTC  

they are moving to subpoena all the machines in maricopa county which covers about 3/5 of the vote in AZ

2020-12-15 15:49:05 UTC  

Sounds serious is ramsland going to violate their machines forensically

2020-12-15 15:50:02 UTC

2020-12-15 15:50:13 UTC  

Sad part is their design includes a Revolving Door every 75 Feet.

2020-12-15 15:51:39 UTC  

Then they wont try to break the wall they will just go in the door get confused and turned around and come back out the same side

2020-12-15 15:51:52 UTC  

@Dedkraken that is the embarrassing