Message from @SoonMrWick

Discord ID: 788935868501065738

2020-12-17 01:04:41 UTC  

No you havenโ€™t.

2020-12-17 01:04:48 UTC  

I think we will too. Just depends on the results as to how bad it will get.

2020-12-17 01:05:06 UTC  

You said the connection to Venezuela was something akin to a restaurant meet-up. Thatโ€™s all I need to know that you didnโ€™t read shit

2020-12-17 01:05:25 UTC  

That's a foolish assumption. A software hardware company that already had their own product isnt buying a company with decades old machines to steal code. They sold their new machines to their clients.

2020-12-17 01:05:43 UTC  

Unfortunately, some people think a Dog looks like a Moose?

2020-12-17 01:05:53 UTC  

I was being generous.

2020-12-17 01:05:54 UTC  

Maybe your assumption is also foolish?

2020-12-17 01:05:56 UTC  

I trust california governor noisome less, but yeah don't trust him either.

2020-12-17 01:06:09 UTC  

@busillis will watch your Ashely Judd link later - cleaning my kitchen while I listen to @RobertGrulerEsq . ANYWAY--- didcha know the Dems worked hard to get Ashely Judd to run against Mitch McConnell several years ago. I can see WHY, except from what I had seen of her she was awfully thin skinned, not suited for politics.

2020-12-17 01:07:00 UTC  

Women can be super bitches ๐Ÿ˜‚ but likewise you are also an exception from this ๐ŸŒธ you good? I havenโ€™t spoke to you for a couple of days ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

2020-12-17 01:07:06 UTC  

Aight man. You do you. No use trying to get through to you. The facts are there, whether you like it or not

2020-12-17 01:07:16 UTC  

I have plenty of experience in the field. You clearly dont know what you are talking about. Like Dell is stealing code from 286s before windows was even out. ๐Ÿคท ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2020-12-17 01:07:35 UTC  

@busillis will be interesting to watch your Ashley post -- I was raised in KY &FL and raised my kid in KY & FL %D

2020-12-17 01:07:45 UTC  

Ha! I'm good... just working a lot, and it's hard to fight with James and keep up with things going on in the evenings.. lol! I'm just trying to catch up with folks tonight ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-12-17 01:07:45 UTC  

Dominion CEO lied.

2020-12-17 01:08:53 UTC  

Good good, oh I forgot to tell you about him ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™ll msg you in a min ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

2020-12-17 01:09:09 UTC  

I never said I was an expert.... so clearly I might not... I'm only speculating from what I do understand. I know a couple programmers, although I'm not one myself. I know that creating a program is difficult, and I know you can find code online to create things you want without starting from scratch... . That is about it...

2020-12-17 01:09:27 UTC  

No reason to be so smug about it though....

2020-12-17 01:09:27 UTC  

its a foreign globalist owned easily hackable voting machine.. soring data overseas and operated by Serbs

2020-12-17 01:09:28 UTC

2020-12-17 01:09:28 UTC  

Under oath no less.

2020-12-17 01:09:38 UTC  


2020-12-17 01:11:07 UTC  

the whole thing is most likely CIA freaking front companies, most ppl know this has been going on for years

2020-12-17 01:11:37 UTC  

They weren't the same machines. They didnt have the same features. If someone wants to program something today they arent hunting down 3.5 floppy disks to see what people used before dial up modems existed. Even if there was anything remotely useful 9n them the securityy.procided would never pass in modern day. Hard drives of those days were smaller than a CD.

2020-12-17 01:12:31 UTC  

Liar liar pants on fire. Under oath. Think anything will be done?

2020-12-17 01:13:04 UTC  

whats the most amazing thing in this whole coup/fraud voting/deep state BS, is the excuses from the democrats.... literally zombie apologists for globalism and take down the country

2020-12-17 01:13:51 UTC  

I didn't even begin to insist that they got a floppy disk and put it into their new systems. Older systems was were the code started, then you make improvements on it over time based on what you learn.... I don't know why that's a super crazy thought.... everything starts somewhere, and the idea is usually to make it better. Again, I'm not an expert on this subject, and don't have any intention on learning it. I'll just wait till the people who actually know can tell me with evidence to back it up.

2020-12-17 01:14:15 UTC  

@james j re MI Palmer -- he and the other board members words & posture were very intimidating to me. I find him mentioning her FULL NAME & What part of town she lived AND the school where her children would go. I don't buy he wasn't PUBLICALLY putting her in the crosshairs. The result of this intimidation Wayne County(?) wass falsely certified. Threatening actions = the two dissenting canvassers to certify what they believed was their due diligence.

2020-12-17 01:14:51 UTC  

That's not how code works. When they design the playstation 5 they arent stealing secrets from a super Nintendo ๐Ÿ˜…

2020-12-17 01:14:56 UTC  

its sad that democracy and the freedoms we have are less important than winning and control

2020-12-17 01:16:06 UTC  

I didn't say that they did... but PlayStation and Nintendo companies did not collide in any point in the past... not that I'm aware of, although I don't know Nintendo or PlayStation's full history, so correct me if I'm wrong.

2020-12-17 01:16:14 UTC  

@SoonMrWick I HATE that this year was the census -- droves of people are leaving the CA, NY and probably MI tyranny yet the three states will benifit from the Census in the HOUSE.

2020-12-17 01:16:38 UTC  

Gosh, I gotta get back to cleaning -- you guys are so engaging!

2020-12-17 01:17:13 UTC  

That's the point. Nintendo doesnt even use their own code from machine to machine. What use would playstation have for their machine many machines back

2020-12-17 01:18:02 UTC  

Dudes defending dominion when I just pointed out that one of the biggest hacks we've had and the damn company is still in the html code ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

And about 3 other lies could probably do more but ...why.

2020-12-17 01:18:06 UTC  

thats how sick these ppl are, want to fine a lawyer for having the guts to ask questions and fight for democracy