Message from @SoonMrWick

Discord ID: 789377786338869268

2020-12-18 03:19:48 UTC  

we have always been Trump

2020-12-18 03:22:16 UTC  

Fair, and likely True, but the State SC opened a clear door to making that official. Needs some feet on the ground, or some smart people at computers, but I'd think next week at the latest there will be a filing.

2020-12-18 03:38:25 UTC  

Itโ€™s true. Donโ€™t like the message? Deal with it

2020-12-18 04:06:28 UTC  
2020-12-18 04:15:05 UTC  

That's quite an extensive tracking of what is not reported by the TV and other coverup media. Thanks for sending ๐Ÿ‘

2020-12-18 04:22:33 UTC  

@TW20 ๐Ÿ‘

2020-12-18 04:51:24 UTC

2020-12-18 04:51:31 UTC  

My brother sent me this link

2020-12-18 04:51:41 UTC  

I'm in AZ. My poor bro is stuck in NYC

2020-12-18 04:52:50 UTC  

Meh. People keep trying to say Trump has an illness. ... But if he did, why is he not nuking America?

2020-12-18 05:24:55 UTC  

The year is not over yet. But let's not give him any ideas.

2020-12-18 05:37:14 UTC  

Trump brought peace between Muslims and Jews, agreements with North Korea, ending wars, crushing globalism

2020-12-18 05:54:38 UTC  

five nominations for the Nobel peace prize I believe

2020-12-18 06:01:23 UTC  

I was shouting that everywhere back in June.

2020-12-18 06:02:13 UTC  

Because I just had that gut-punch feeling of something wrong. And yeah, those riots were race riots like LA in 1992. Anti-white. ... And everything looked like Weimar Republic.

2020-12-18 06:02:46 UTC  

But... Meh. Looks like we are cycling through everything. Looks bad, though there are nice patterns of improvement each passing day

2020-12-18 06:21:26 UTC  

Note, the funding to oppose Trump's legal actions is often coming from Zuckerberg, and it is his lawyers that have been trying to shut down Sydney Powell.

2020-12-18 06:23:22 UTC  

I heard my sidney powell melissa carbone ringtone going off. What's up.

2020-12-18 06:24:52 UTC  

I have a love - hate relationship with her. My drunk testimony friend above.

Her original video:

2020-12-18 06:25:10 UTC  

Interview after she was mocked relentlessly from the hearings:

2020-12-18 06:25:30 UTC  

Yet another follow-up from after the dominion CEO testified to say a few of the ways he lied:

2020-12-18 06:25:58 UTC  

She happened to be at a stop the steal rally.

2020-12-18 06:26:34 UTC  

Stop that. This is much more fun:

2020-12-18 06:29:19 UTC  

I like their own words being used.

2020-12-18 06:57:49 UTC

2020-12-18 07:13:17 UTC  

Well this isn't the message they wanted to send out

2020-12-18 07:14:27 UTC  


2020-12-18 07:47:10 UTC  

Where does that QR code lead to in the photo?

2020-12-18 07:47:46 UTC

2020-12-18 08:07:51 UTC  

The difference between the two is absolutely astounding. Yet Biden still managed to earn 80mil on votes showing that he's the most *popular* president in history (far surpassing Obama). Never mind the facts that he won less counties and didn't pull near as many supporters at his ralliesc(the ones that weren't capped at least). Should things keep going the way they are and he becomes the inaugurated president I won't see anything he says or does as having authority or legitimacy.

2020-12-18 08:19:49 UTC  

lol a zombie that had open brain surgery cmon man u know the think

2020-12-18 08:20:30 UTC  

This guy doesn't know what he's talking about half the time... 75% of the sounds that come out of his mouth are malformed words and giberish!!!! I don't understand how people can't see this kind of issue!!! He forgets where he is, he's absent and unable to build thoughts. I see him read papers and get confused about what he's trying to say. Totally mentally lost...

2020-12-18 08:21:04 UTC  

thats how dumbed down and brainwashed the left is, its scary

2020-12-18 08:22:47 UTC  

on top of that he is a groper of women and children, and politics like the worst in history lol

2020-12-18 08:23:33 UTC  

Yeah, I watched those videos too... But who's to say this guy doesn't forget the difference between his car keys and the nuclear launch keys.. (joking, but for real) lol

2020-12-18 08:23:38 UTC  

and bought and paid for by China/Ukraine/globalists lol

2020-12-18 08:24:11 UTC  

its insanity now