Message from @chuchomucho

Discord ID: 793905575376453633

2020-12-30 18:08:19 UTC  

Ooooohhhh got eeeem

2020-12-30 18:09:05 UTC

2020-12-30 18:12:19 UTC  

@chuchomucho no it’s because Trump had primed his base for months, it’s his defense mechanism for losing

2020-12-30 18:12:42 UTC  

Your past comments do not align with this assertion. You can't say that you want to make sure that there was no cheating, but reject every effort that shows that cheating did not take place.

Did you see my post about the issues with Sidney Powell's case and her reliance on Russ Ramsland's theories?

Ask yourself this... Why have they not supplied any names of people that voted fraudulently? With all this proof, I know of only 3 arrests that have been made for voter fraud - one of them was the guy in PA who voted for his dead grandmother for Trump. One guy was arrested in NC for requesting 50 FL mail-in ballots to be sent to his home. And the other was an idiot in CA that tried to stuff a ballot box to win a local election. With all of these witnesses and every law enforcement agency in the country endorsing Trump, how is it that not one of those officers have been able to find a single person to arrest for massive voter fraud? Are the law enforcement officers in on it, too?

2020-12-30 18:13:45 UTC  

When you have Dems suing all over the country to change the rules right before the election. Then state settling to their demands. It will lead to mistrust of the system which leads to a banana republic.

2020-12-30 18:13:53 UTC  

When you have Dems suing all over the country to change the rules right before the election. Then state settling to their demands. It will lead to mistrust of the system which leads to a banana republic.

2020-12-30 18:14:45 UTC  

The state was considered indefinitely confined. This was later decided erroneous. The reason being that an absentee ballot in the state of Wisconsin did not require a photo ID. By declaring counties or the state or even simply encouraging people to get an absentee ballot and say that they are indefinitely confined was found to be erroneous. The issue is that all of those votes were cast. Their validity is in question. There were mistakes made but nothing can be done now.

2020-12-30 18:15:08 UTC  

@Livingstone they are attacking the election process not showing evidence of fraud. Further more they could have brought this up well before the election (months) yet they only brought up their disappoint of the rules after the election.

2020-12-30 18:15:26 UTC  

Yes the Dems are

2020-12-30 18:15:26 UTC  

@chuchomucho, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-12-30 18:15:40 UTC  

Last I checked, it doesn't take a freezer that can maintain -160C temperatures and the medical training to reconstitute the vaccine safely in order to vote. Just sayin'

2020-12-30 18:16:08 UTC  

So because our leaders failed to fix this ahead of time, its our fault?

2020-12-30 18:16:32 UTC  

They are the ones putting the validity into question @Livingstone

2020-12-30 18:16:40 UTC

2020-12-30 18:16:53 UTC  

They did bring it up before the election. The oral argument was submitted on September 29, 2020.

2020-12-30 18:16:58 UTC  

@chuchomucho republicans only cared after they lost

2020-12-30 18:17:03 UTC  

OK russia last four tyears

2020-12-30 18:17:19 UTC  

Im not republican, I got shafted

2020-12-30 18:17:22 UTC  

@chuchomucho Russia had nothing to do other election feud

2020-12-30 18:17:39 UTC  

but they had built distrust for 4 years

2020-12-30 18:17:41 UTC  

You said the dems brought up that case @chuchomucho

2020-12-30 18:17:52 UTC  


2020-12-30 18:17:58 UTC  

No in the election process itself @chuchomucho

2020-12-30 18:17:59 UTC  

That would be appropriate if that happened like... 8 weeks ago. Instead, Biden has indulged Trump the entire time. And unlike now, there was actual proof of Russian involvement that was confirmed by Trump himself. He just denied colluding with them. Otherwise, why would he have signed the EO about foreign involvement and started CISA?

2020-12-30 18:18:45 UTC  

they spied on a president, and tried to impeach over false charges, even calling to remove him outright, they would never do election fraud lol

2020-12-30 18:18:54 UTC  

It was filed on the 14 th of December . These rules were changed months before @Livingstone

2020-12-30 18:19:45 UTC  

We'll see... It would take both chambers voting to uphold the objection. Somehow, I don't see the House doing that.

2020-12-30 18:20:25 UTC  

Senator was the harder one. Tooblin said he would then backtracked. Now Hawley just comfirmed this morning

There are many house members

2020-12-30 18:21:35 UTC  

actually it is turning out to be the same thing just with the parties reversed ... huge investigation into Russian interference in 2016 election, little evidence that such was the case and/or that interference changed the vote ... huge investigation into supposed fraud in 2020 election, little evidence that such is the case and/or that fraud changed the vote

2020-12-30 18:21:37 UTC  

The impeachment was petty, but the facts are not in dispute. He threatened to withhold aid in exchange for dirt on his political opponent.

2020-12-30 18:21:52 UTC  

these sicko democrats have tried blaming a pandemic let loose by China throughout the world on the president, its disgusting

2020-12-30 18:21:54 UTC  

Oral arguments on September 29, 2020. Oral arguments are only received after both sides have filed briefs.

2020-12-30 18:21:54 UTC  


2020-12-30 18:22:24 UTC  

-160C. That is so wild.

2020-12-30 18:23:03 UTC  

@Livingstone yeah that was brought up in March initially and had their primaries under that rule. They the lost case.

2020-12-30 18:23:48 UTC  

That’s not proof of fraud , that’s still just a attack on the election process it self with no regard for people dealing with the pandemic @Livingstone

2020-12-30 18:24:12 UTC  

To be fair, it didn't go their way. Therefore fraud.