Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 793912028288385055

2020-12-30 18:33:32 UTC  

It doesn’t diminish your vote. It’s let’s old people and people who take the pandemic seriously to actually vote @chuchomucho there was no election fraud

2020-12-30 18:33:49 UTC  

@james j Anything contributing to Trump's loss goes in the 'fraud' bucket. For instance, if you voted for Biden, that's fraud. Catch up.

2020-12-30 18:33:58 UTC  

It’s helpful to agree to definition at the onset of a discussion to prevent people from moving the goal post, so to speak

2020-12-30 18:34:02 UTC  

@Zuluzeit yeah you are right

2020-12-30 18:34:40 UTC  

the nomination itself was stolen from Bernie, the zombies just want to win more than be honest

2020-12-30 18:35:05 UTC  

The issue with unrequested mail in ballots is that people were having to sign affidavits requesting that their mail in ballot be canceled because they did not request it and it had already been sent and people are finding out that they had voted when they went in to vote. If somebody sent a mail in ballot in your name That was not you and then you tried to vote and were told that you had already voted, Does that not diminish your vote?

2020-12-30 18:35:27 UTC  

Although I must say it's easier participating with having the benefit of reality comporting with my position.

2020-12-30 18:35:57 UTC  

As the rest of the world moves on, indifferent to fringe conspiracies.

2020-12-30 18:37:26 UTC  

the left now loves corporations run by billionaire scumbags, that are blatantly globalists and hate America, especially her bill of rights

2020-12-30 18:37:51 UTC  

It wasn't fraud and it did not bypass the legislature. The legislature empowered the SoS or SotC (in the case of PA) or the Election Board (in GA) with the ability to make decisions to ensure the safe execution of the election. The changes that were made were largely temporary given the circumstances. The state SC upheld that these entities were empowered to make these changes and in the case of PA, the US SC allowed them to stand.

It is interesting to note that other states did similar things. In Texas, the Governor extending the date for in person early voting (without involving the legislature) and went out of his way to limit mail-in voting.

Also, it is interesting to note that Texas was extremely adept at suppressing the vote. TX and FL both had about 11M ballots cast in the election - TX has 7.5M more residents than FL.

2020-12-30 18:38:51 UTC  

Ok so now we have all the power that was designed to keep anyone entity from getting full control to change rules they seem fit?

2020-12-30 18:39:05 UTC  

these evil democrats are after our bill of rights now, the 1st, 2nd, 4th Amendments..

2020-12-30 18:39:31 UTC  


2020-12-30 18:40:18 UTC  

Radical republicans are tight.

2020-12-30 18:40:33 UTC  

That's not accurate, either... The SC had to have grounds for allowing the changes... in this case, the pandemic. Also, they have 4 years to make any changes that they want in either limiting or removing that power. It's kind of how democracy is supposed to work.

2020-12-30 18:40:46 UTC  

> these evil democrats are after our bill of rights now, the 1st, 2nd, 4th Amendments..
@Ghostdog *evil republicans are tight

2020-12-30 18:41:04 UTC  

@SuzyQ, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-30 18:41:34 UTC  

ok so they will use another pandemic to change rules and take away rigfhts and thats ok with u?

2020-12-30 18:42:23 UTC  

leftists hate our rights and freedoms, the 1st,2nd,4th Amendments.. sicko America hating globalist minions

2020-12-30 18:42:57 UTC  

@chuchomucho Hard to say. My preferences depend on how butthurt I am about the outcome.

2020-12-30 18:43:35 UTC  

lol ok

2020-12-30 18:43:59 UTC  

Alt-speak @Ghostdog

2020-12-30 18:44:31 UTC  


2020-12-30 18:44:40 UTC  

@Livingstone they asked a lady to sign a affidavit that her claim for someone voting for her actually happened. She refused. Maga is crazy

2020-12-30 18:45:22 UTC  

Hyper + Confused is a good recipe for crazy, sure.

2020-12-30 18:45:41 UTC  

I live in CA and we send mail-in ballots to all registered voters. It went really well. I and everyone in my family received only 1 ballot. If we chose to vote in person, we were able to surrender the mail-in ballot at our local polling site. I was notified by text/email when the ballot was sent to me and I was notified when my ballot was received and would have been notified if it required any curing.

In many ways, it is more secure than what is done in states that require that a voter request their mail-in ballot. For example, in GA, people were able to specify where their ballot is sent when they request the mail-in ballot. In CA, ballots are sent to the address on record. If the person is not at that address, the Post Office is supposed to return the ballot and not forward it.

2020-12-30 18:46:31 UTC  

> leftists hate our rights and freedoms, the 1st,2nd,4th Amendments.. sicko America hating globalist minions
@Ghostdog for posterity

2020-12-30 18:47:46 UTC  

Good points. People in Georgia are just, well you know Georgia.

2020-12-30 18:48:18 UTC  

What rights were taken away??? To date, the only thing that has been proven is that more legal votes were cast. Show me the scores of illegal ballots and the people who are being arrested for fraud.

2020-12-30 18:52:04 UTC  

Has CA done mail in ballots prior to 2020 or is it new for them as well? I don’t doubt what you are saying. I am just curious to see if in states where the laws were changed this year have a significant difference/dispute/issues than states that have done mail in ballots in the past.

2020-12-30 18:52:12 UTC  

@meglide I will savor every second of revisionist squirming in all future elections.

2020-12-30 18:52:43 UTC  

The first time was with the Primaries this year.

2020-12-30 18:53:49 UTC  

so Trump could have won CA ... in a bigly landslide

2020-12-30 18:54:22 UTC  

Looks like I won't get to see the headline I predicted. 'Trump Barricades Self in White House. Fate Unknown.'

2020-12-30 18:54:30 UTC  

Lmao bigly

2020-12-30 18:55:21 UTC  

Could have, but strangely... most of the gains Dems made in 2018 reverted back to Reps. So, there's that.

2020-12-30 18:55:59 UTC  

That's too confusing. Pass.