Message from @JD~Jordan

Discord ID: 794056171681218560

2020-12-31 04:05:12 UTC  
2020-12-31 04:05:26 UTC  

Yeppers... that is basically what I am saying

2020-12-31 04:05:52 UTC  

They were not all cuddly during primaries

2020-12-31 04:05:55 UTC  

at all

2020-12-31 04:06:06 UTC  

Clinton calling half the country deplorable also didn't help her.

2020-12-31 04:06:19 UTC  

He had a choice and should have asked Liz. Maybe he did.

2020-12-31 04:06:21 UTC  

Clinton talking didnt help her

2020-12-31 04:06:26 UTC  

That too.

2020-12-31 04:06:58 UTC  

Bill pulling the sitting AG into his Private Jet while Hillary was being looked at by the FBI didnt help

2020-12-31 04:07:16 UTC  

I mean what did help? A gag order would have been nice

2020-12-31 04:08:16 UTC  

My bias is too strong to read the most innocent answer into each of the events. If someone says not to concede under ANY circumstance, that if I were running would put me on guard flr shenaningans which there were so many. So of course Trump is not going to concede as a result, and likely wouldn't if she hadn't said that ***if he has reason to believe the election was not legitimately conducted***

2020-12-31 04:08:32 UTC  

I don't know about racist... Borderline sexist, maybe. I remember whenever we came to a family gathering with a girlfriend, my grandfather insisted on a hug. Sometimes he held onto the hug a little longer than he should have.

It's practically the only thing I'm looking forward to as I get older... 😉

2020-12-31 04:09:13 UTC  

Full Disclosure I Voted for Hillary.... at least in the General. I knew Trump would be an unmitigated disaster and I still feel like I underestimated just how freaky the freak show would get

2020-12-31 04:10:04 UTC  

I think he has some racist comments out there, but he actually apologizes for them. It's like Grandpa says something hugely inappropriate at the dinner table and you kinda smack his hand, then he just pouts a bit and shuts up.

2020-12-31 04:10:25 UTC  

This is very different to his opponent.

2020-12-31 04:10:57 UTC  

Grandma used to sit close enough to be able to pinch Grandpa when he got out of line... It always cracked us up.

2020-12-31 04:12:29 UTC  

@Dedkraken I started watching Trump regularly during his Covid-19 updates and that’s when I noticed the media coverage and how angry everyone was with him. I see that there are others here who share that sentiment. To me it seemed like he couldn’t win for loosing with the reporters. I am reading through and catching some of the reasons that he is disliked by members of this group, but fundamentally, what is the most important reason that you don’t like his leadership?

2020-12-31 04:12:41 UTC  

Oh clearly... Biden is of that generation and he has said some really stupid shit and stuff that could easily be interpreted as racist.
Having said that it hardly worth mentioning with stacked up next to the reams of sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic and just plain crude and creepy shit Trump has said.... this week.

2020-12-31 04:12:47 UTC  

I look forward to finding out who Biden picks as the enemy of the people, as presidents are wont to do.

2020-12-31 04:15:39 UTC  

Trump has made "colorful" comments before, like many old people, but the difference is he doubles down and flips the table instead of pouts and shuts up.

2020-12-31 04:15:44 UTC  

Well... I definitely hope it is not based solely skin pigment, national origin or religion... or the guarders of democracy established by the first amendment.

But everyone knows a story is better told with a big mean enemy

2020-12-31 04:16:25 UTC  

It's so exciting!

2020-12-31 04:16:54 UTC  

"colorful".... you are not honestly suggesting that Trump has never made a comment you would consider racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic, are you?

I mean, I have a list ready to review if ya like.....

2020-12-31 04:17:29 UTC  

He was joking. That's just how he speaks. It was locker room talk.

2020-12-31 04:17:33 UTC  

I am aware of the list.

2020-12-31 04:18:07 UTC  


2020-12-31 04:18:30 UTC  

I will take that as a concession

2020-12-31 04:18:32 UTC  

As I said, his reaction for being called out for the same thing Biden did is very, very different.

2020-12-31 04:18:51 UTC  

Flipping tables and doubling down rather than apologizing and shutting up.

2020-12-31 04:19:08 UTC  

And he is praised for that. Nice work.

2020-12-31 04:19:50 UTC  

"same thing"..... wish to compare lists? You go locate your objectionable comments by Biden and I will get my list of Trumps....

You can go back 40 years... I will go back 10.... Deal?

2020-12-31 04:20:07 UTC  

No need to. lol

2020-12-31 04:20:14 UTC  

That's what I thought

2020-12-31 04:20:33 UTC  

I think this is where the echo chamber influences come into play. MSM downplays Hillary's comments. I am pretty sure that the DNC asked her to not get involved and were not happy when she did. I know she regretted conceding as early as she did. Votes were still being counted.

Trump doesn't have any reason to believe that the election was not legitimate other than he can't accept having lost. He claimed that the election was rigged months ahead of time. Then tried to get DeJoy to sabotage the USPS. If he had any proof that the election would be rigged, he should have gotten the DoJ to investigate ahead of time or put election monitors in place. The Carter Center had people deployed all over the place, just like they do for other countries. I find it hard to believe that a man of Trump's means couldn't figure out how to prevent his opponent from being able to cheat him out of an election... especially if he knew about it ahead of time. It just doesn't make intuitive sense to me.

2020-12-31 04:22:24 UTC  

***SQUIRREL*** This was an awkward interview.

2020-12-31 04:22:53 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Incompetence would make sense. All encompassing conspiracy would make sense too.

2020-12-31 04:23:56 UTC  

And yeah, Trump's treatment of women is something I vehemently am against, don't think I'm not.

2020-12-31 04:24:10 UTC  

I've explained that in <#793642419698532354> well enough I feel.

2020-12-31 04:24:59 UTC  

Yeah.... no one tries to defend the way he has treated women. At least no one that has my respect or wishes to keep it has attempted to defend Trump in that area

2020-12-31 04:25:19 UTC  

I wonder in what non-sports universe is it ok to stand like that as an interviewer.

2020-12-31 04:25:32 UTC  

I think Biden is guilty of this too, but not to the same degree as Trump.