Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 794053382662782986

2020-12-31 03:57:48 UTC  

I was saying it's a bad thing for Trump.

2020-12-31 03:58:57 UTC  

It was in 2020... but it was his plan in 2016. He wanted every network watching him and covering him nonstop. I mean CNN and MSNBC would cover an empty podium for 30 minutes waiting on him to show up in 2016 and per Trump, that was part of his plan and helped him win

2020-12-31 03:58:59 UTC  

Without giving away too much... I live in OC, CA. It is a Republican stronghold in SoCal. There was no Senate seat up for grabs this time. Also, we don't tend to get the best Dem candidates here and my in-laws are staunch Republicans. I have gotten to know many of the Rep candidates over the years, so I have grown to like them as people and voted Rep for the House. For state rep, our Rep candidate befriended my son and I appreciate him for that, so I voted for him. Local elections are a mixed bag, but I try to learn as much as I can. I voted for some Dems, some Inds, and one or two Reps.

2020-12-31 03:59:29 UTC  

I think he won because the DNC put up the worst candidate possible to compete with him.

2020-12-31 04:00:04 UTC  

This is why I put weight into your feedback.

2020-12-31 04:00:12 UTC  

That certainly helped

2020-12-31 04:00:30 UTC  

Im just saying what Trump has said in interviews

2020-12-31 04:00:46 UTC  

He felt like all the media he got for free because he was always "entertaining" helped him

2020-12-31 04:00:46 UTC  

That was your only response?

2020-12-31 04:01:31 UTC  

The only time I vote Republican is for governor.

2020-12-31 04:01:32 UTC  

No. Its just going to be ignored on the rest of them. I thought the thread had died. Will go back up

2020-12-31 04:01:35 UTC  

If it wasn't "Ridin' with Biden" and instead Trump against Kamala, Trump would have won, hands down, likely in a historic landslide.

2020-12-31 04:02:05 UTC  

"Ridin' with Biden" is a great slogan, btw.

2020-12-31 04:02:46 UTC  

But I would have voted for Reagan, had I been old enough...and I would have regretted it as an adult, I think.

2020-12-31 04:02:49 UTC  

I know people that voted for Biden that really did not like Harris, but they hated her a bit less than they hated Trump. And Biden kept his false teeth in and the CoVid lock down helped him a lot (helped Biden)

2020-12-31 04:03:09 UTC  

I do not care for Kamala.

2020-12-31 04:03:11 UTC  

Kamala has way more damaging political baggage.

2020-12-31 04:03:36 UTC  

And this is why I believe that we all got behind Biden. This time around it was not about voting FOR Biden it was about getting Trump out

2020-12-31 04:03:43 UTC  

Biden is your friendly old (sometimes racist) grandfather.

2020-12-31 04:04:08 UTC  

I think complacency had something to do with it, too. The MSM made him seem like such a buffoon that most Dems didn't take him seriously. They all thought Clinton would win in a landslide. Long line at the polls? No need to wait, it's a forgone conclusion.

2020-12-31 04:04:39 UTC  

At least VP took AG off the table. Think about it.

2020-12-31 04:04:43 UTC  

Potentially.... Im not a big fan of Harris. But, and I am trying to be delicate here.... Biden was somewhat hamstrung about who he could choose as a running mate.

2020-12-31 04:05:11 UTC  

I don't think he had a choice.

2020-12-31 04:05:12 UTC  
2020-12-31 04:05:26 UTC  

Yeppers... that is basically what I am saying

2020-12-31 04:05:52 UTC  

They were not all cuddly during primaries

2020-12-31 04:05:55 UTC  

at all

2020-12-31 04:06:06 UTC  

Clinton calling half the country deplorable also didn't help her.

2020-12-31 04:06:19 UTC  

He had a choice and should have asked Liz. Maybe he did.

2020-12-31 04:06:21 UTC  

Clinton talking didnt help her

2020-12-31 04:06:26 UTC  

That too.

2020-12-31 04:06:58 UTC  

Bill pulling the sitting AG into his Private Jet while Hillary was being looked at by the FBI didnt help

2020-12-31 04:07:16 UTC  

I mean what did help? A gag order would have been nice

2020-12-31 04:08:16 UTC  

My bias is too strong to read the most innocent answer into each of the events. If someone says not to concede under ANY circumstance, that if I were running would put me on guard flr shenaningans which there were so many. So of course Trump is not going to concede as a result, and likely wouldn't if she hadn't said that ***if he has reason to believe the election was not legitimately conducted***

2020-12-31 04:08:32 UTC  

I don't know about racist... Borderline sexist, maybe. I remember whenever we came to a family gathering with a girlfriend, my grandfather insisted on a hug. Sometimes he held onto the hug a little longer than he should have.

It's practically the only thing I'm looking forward to as I get older... 😉

2020-12-31 04:09:13 UTC  

Full Disclosure I Voted for Hillary.... at least in the General. I knew Trump would be an unmitigated disaster and I still feel like I underestimated just how freaky the freak show would get

2020-12-31 04:10:04 UTC  

I think he has some racist comments out there, but he actually apologizes for them. It's like Grandpa says something hugely inappropriate at the dinner table and you kinda smack his hand, then he just pouts a bit and shuts up.

2020-12-31 04:10:25 UTC  

This is very different to his opponent.

2020-12-31 04:10:57 UTC  

Grandma used to sit close enough to be able to pinch Grandpa when he got out of line... It always cracked us up.

2020-12-31 04:12:29 UTC  

@Dedkraken I started watching Trump regularly during his Covid-19 updates and that’s when I noticed the media coverage and how angry everyone was with him. I see that there are others here who share that sentiment. To me it seemed like he couldn’t win for loosing with the reporters. I am reading through and catching some of the reasons that he is disliked by members of this group, but fundamentally, what is the most important reason that you don’t like his leadership?

2020-12-31 04:12:41 UTC  

Oh clearly... Biden is of that generation and he has said some really stupid shit and stuff that could easily be interpreted as racist.
Having said that it hardly worth mentioning with stacked up next to the reams of sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic and just plain crude and creepy shit Trump has said.... this week.