Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 794065967239397437

2020-12-31 04:37:40 UTC  

Just like I think it's fair to say Trump screwed up many times and deserves this fallout as well.

2020-12-31 04:40:05 UTC  

RWM is no exception to having screwed up as well.

2020-12-31 04:40:20 UTC  

Very true. GOP doesn't have nearly the capacity for large scale subversive maneuvering as conservatives have been canceled or never really had the capacity to emerge through the heft of ACLU, unions, mainstream news outlets ect ect. They must pardon seasoned sociopaths and give them campaign manager positions.

2020-12-31 04:40:21 UTC  

This is crazy! It is what I suspected after driving cross country and talking to people...actual people. TRUTH is what we seek!! I understand the hurt/anger towards any person who has treated others as if they are not human. Now, I must say goodnight because I am oldish myself!!😊💕

2020-12-31 04:40:28 UTC  

It's part of the current hyperpartisan political divide.

2020-12-31 04:40:46 UTC  

@Lorinda Goodnight, sleep well when you do!

2020-12-31 04:41:53 UTC  

People typically vote for policy, or so I would hope.

2020-12-31 04:42:30 UTC  

Character and policy when applicable.

2020-12-31 04:44:09 UTC  

Character is a very important trait, especially now with the hyper political divide.

2020-12-31 04:44:56 UTC  

And Americans are making this known by voting in record numbers.

2020-12-31 04:49:05 UTC  

There is a reason that quite a few people have been cast out from families over their support of Trump, it's because (honestly) I feel like he's a fairly divisive figure, and that's primarily due to his character traits.

2020-12-31 04:49:07 UTC  

I’m hungry but nothing I have in the house is tasty

2020-12-31 04:49:56 UTC  

Character traits and actions and dishonesty. He’s the swamp

2020-12-31 04:50:37 UTC

2020-12-31 04:50:41 UTC  


2020-12-31 04:50:55 UTC  

Yes, we all know about Byrd.

2020-12-31 04:51:21 UTC  

Not divisive

2020-12-31 04:52:01 UTC  

Did any of those documents help shine a light on how it would be possible. The president is not the all seeing eyes. The system would have to operate to his benefit and if there's anything we've witnessed its absolute obstruction 24/7 in regards to him trying to carry out his duties as President. Why woild that suddenly change during the election?

2020-12-31 04:53:42 UTC  

I don’t see how anyone can look at the railroading Obama got for 8 years and pretend Trump had it worse

2020-12-31 04:54:19 UTC  

Eh, I think he did, and the turnout supports that theory.

2020-12-31 04:54:39 UTC  

It being valid or not is not what I'm arguing.

2020-12-31 04:55:02 UTC  

Voter turnout isn’t obstruction of duties

2020-12-31 04:55:12 UTC  

Biden isn’t a documented racist

2020-12-31 04:55:32 UTC  

He’s always been about the people. Especially inner city youth.

2020-12-31 04:55:41 UTC  

I'm reading through it now... I've already watched the video. I am not seeing anything alarming here so far. I see concerned federal workers that are afraid that Donald Trump might attempt a coup trying to figure out what they can do to help prevent it. Some of the messaging went out in many of the liberal/progressive election efforts - wanting to do everything possible to make it a landslide to make sure that Trump couldn't find grounds for a coup. That sort of thing.

2020-12-31 04:55:47 UTC  

I’m glad we won’t have a racist in office anymore.

2020-12-31 04:55:55 UTC  

Me too.

2020-12-31 04:56:22 UTC  

Just glad he lost.

2020-12-31 04:56:23 UTC  

It's relative to negative press.

2020-12-31 04:56:30 UTC  

He made an awful mistake cosponsoring one of the worst bills in American history and it took him way too long to admit that it was a mistake.

2020-12-31 04:56:45 UTC  

Obama having a pain in the ass senate and some house representatives that were determined to expose corruption is nowhere near the obstruction from all angles Trump has receieved.

2020-12-31 04:56:47 UTC  

When I made a mistake at work once I was firedz

2020-12-31 04:56:53 UTC  

True, but it is what people wanted at the time.

2020-12-31 04:56:55 UTC  

You can’t come back for that.

2020-12-31 04:57:03 UTC  

Lives were lost to .4 grams of weed

2020-12-31 04:57:11 UTC  

Oops my bad

2020-12-31 04:57:19 UTC  

Yet here we are.

2020-12-31 04:57:40 UTC  

Preferred over that shameful disgrace.

2020-12-31 04:58:07 UTC  

Trump literally filled in what hundreds of judges Obama was blocked on inc scotus justices. I mean cmon.

2020-12-31 04:58:32 UTC  

Have you ever been to jail? Locking up someone for petty non violent offense in the way the 1994 crime did is nothing short of the devil irl

2020-12-31 04:58:42 UTC  

I agree