Message from @leftingfighter33

Discord ID: 795006362374373398

2021-01-02 19:08:56 UTC  

In sri lanka, outside forces funded the LTTE, the government AND the indian expedition forces. The same players.

2021-01-02 19:09:00 UTC  

What SOonmrwick posted.

2021-01-02 19:09:18 UTC  

The left would say the opposite... It seems accelerated by fascistic conservatism. Neither is true.

2021-01-02 19:09:23 UTC  

Yes I watched that video.

2021-01-02 19:09:37 UTC  

And this is why I am pretty scared of a Biden administraion. Hes gonn just 'do what the people want' like the 1994 crime bill. Hes a fucking grifter

2021-01-02 19:09:44 UTC  

@rip.lul barking up the wrong tree, and as such fueling the flames even further.

2021-01-02 19:09:48 UTC  

sorry if any one likes him

2021-01-02 19:09:51 UTC  

The American people don't want communism.

2021-01-02 19:10:03 UTC  


2021-01-02 19:10:04 UTC  

The lockdowns will enable the greatest transfer of wealth we have seen. The monopoly effect is happening. We forgot about the last time robber barrons came.

2021-01-02 19:10:07 UTC  

The progressives don't want communism.

2021-01-02 19:10:09 UTC  

she doesnt understand the breakdown of her own country.

2021-01-02 19:10:18 UTC  

She thinks it was due to political ideology.

2021-01-02 19:10:20 UTC  

it wasnt.

2021-01-02 19:10:26 UTC  

it was

2021-01-02 19:10:44 UTC  

I don't get it, why are leftists for abolishing private healthcare?
Why aren't they for a basic level of care that covers everybody together with private healthcare covering extras that the basic level doesn't cover and offering faster/better service?
This is literally what every european country does. Banning private healthcare is a extreme position that nobody in Europe supports.

2021-01-02 19:10:56 UTC  

Are they, or are you presuming that?

2021-01-02 19:11:06 UTC  

Last I checked, they're for systems like what Canada has.

2021-01-02 19:11:13 UTC  

The age of ideology was over in 1995. We are now in the age of business. If someone is peddling political ideology, it is either because they are a muppet or is payed to sell a product.

2021-01-02 19:11:21 UTC  

Which has both a private and public health system.

2021-01-02 19:11:27 UTC  

All of them

2021-01-02 19:11:31 UTC  


2021-01-02 19:11:37 UTC  

Well then you're assuming incorrectly.

2021-01-02 19:12:18 UTC  

Most European countries have both a public basic level of care and a private sector to cover extras such as prescriptions, eye care, etc...

2021-01-02 19:12:23 UTC  

Fix yourself

2021-01-02 19:12:27 UTC  

Universal healthcare is pretty popular position on the left

2021-01-02 19:12:31 UTC  

As does Canada yes.

2021-01-02 19:12:45 UTC  

Universal healthcare does not mean abolishing private healthcare.

2021-01-02 19:12:59 UTC  

@rip.lul ah shit dude my bad friendly fire

2021-01-02 19:13:09 UTC  

And my question is, why does the left propose the extreme position of abolishing private healthcare?

2021-01-02 19:13:17 UTC  

lol all good

2021-01-02 19:13:28 UTC  

Not really seen this from many leftists?

2021-01-02 19:14:18 UTC  

Sanders, Warren, Declasio and their supporters.

2021-01-02 19:14:22 UTC  

If you're talking about twitter lefties, here's a hint: 99% of them have no idea what they're talking about, and are just following the trendy in-thing.

2021-01-02 19:14:48 UTC  

@Maw if I remember correctly it was suggested by a Democratic president candidate during the primary, now republicans think its what all of the left wants

2021-01-02 19:14:56 UTC  

Half the country supports Bernie and his policies.

2021-01-02 19:15:47 UTC  

His policies are pretty status quo, and I really don't think half the country agrees with him.

2021-01-02 19:15:51 UTC  

@Doc Catchy.

2021-01-02 19:16:01 UTC  

Can't wait till we bring the quality of us schooling to healthcare