Message from @leftingfighter33

Discord ID: 795007420744728627

2021-01-02 19:11:06 UTC  

Last I checked, they're for systems like what Canada has.

2021-01-02 19:11:13 UTC  

The age of ideology was over in 1995. We are now in the age of business. If someone is peddling political ideology, it is either because they are a muppet or is payed to sell a product.

2021-01-02 19:11:21 UTC  

Which has both a private and public health system.

2021-01-02 19:11:27 UTC  

All of them

2021-01-02 19:11:31 UTC  


2021-01-02 19:11:37 UTC  

Well then you're assuming incorrectly.

2021-01-02 19:12:18 UTC  

Most European countries have both a public basic level of care and a private sector to cover extras such as prescriptions, eye care, etc...

2021-01-02 19:12:23 UTC  

Fix yourself

2021-01-02 19:12:27 UTC  

Universal healthcare is pretty popular position on the left

2021-01-02 19:12:31 UTC  

As does Canada yes.

2021-01-02 19:12:45 UTC  

Universal healthcare does not mean abolishing private healthcare.

2021-01-02 19:12:59 UTC  

@rip.lul ah shit dude my bad friendly fire

2021-01-02 19:13:09 UTC  

And my question is, why does the left propose the extreme position of abolishing private healthcare?

2021-01-02 19:13:17 UTC  

lol all good

2021-01-02 19:13:28 UTC  

Not really seen this from many leftists?

2021-01-02 19:14:18 UTC  

Sanders, Warren, Declasio and their supporters.

2021-01-02 19:14:22 UTC  

If you're talking about twitter lefties, here's a hint: 99% of them have no idea what they're talking about, and are just following the trendy in-thing.

2021-01-02 19:14:48 UTC  

@Maw if I remember correctly it was suggested by a Democratic president candidate during the primary, now republicans think its what all of the left wants

2021-01-02 19:14:56 UTC  

Half the country supports Bernie and his policies.

2021-01-02 19:15:47 UTC  

His policies are pretty status quo, and I really don't think half the country agrees with him.

2021-01-02 19:15:51 UTC  

@Doc Catchy.

2021-01-02 19:16:01 UTC  

Can't wait till we bring the quality of us schooling to healthcare

2021-01-02 19:16:16 UTC  

Buttigieg, yang and others say it can stay for now but will be eventually removed.

2021-01-02 19:16:26 UTC

2021-01-02 19:16:39 UTC  

These are extremist positions. And they are supported by a lot of dems.

2021-01-02 19:17:02 UTC  

Buttigeg is working in the biden cabinet no?

2021-01-02 19:17:07 UTC  

Don't think they're overly extremist, but I think they're misinformed.

2021-01-02 19:17:44 UTC  

@Maw Its what you play in your car every time you pass a political rally.

2021-01-02 19:18:05 UTC  

Its how nihilists have fun on a saturday.

2021-01-02 19:18:10 UTC  

It IS overly extremist to think that everyone should just get the basic level of care and not be able to pay to get better care. Basically healthcare communism where everyone has the same shitty coverage.

2021-01-02 19:18:14 UTC  

Buttigeg earned his place in the corrupt cabal after falling on his sword during the primary

2021-01-02 19:18:34 UTC  


2021-01-02 19:18:46 UTC  

"healthcare communism" isn't a thing that exists. Communism is a fundamental ideology, not an ideology applied to one system.

2021-01-02 19:19:02 UTC  

master wants leaders who know when to take a knee.

2021-01-02 19:19:17 UTC  

I've also seen little to suggest this is what the majority of dems want.

2021-01-02 19:19:29 UTC  
2021-01-02 19:20:20 UTC  
