Message from @Bey

Discord ID: 786060413120282674

2020-12-08 21:50:17 UTC  
2020-12-09 00:33:00 UTC  

Can us private citizens sue for disenfranchisement? We risked our health & time to have a few nefarious individuals & other states illegally change laws at the last minute & screwed me.

2020-12-09 00:56:04 UTC  

Is this where we post questions for the end of the show?

2020-12-09 00:58:33 UTC  

Regarding the Mike Kelly case. The defendants claim judges shouldn't decide elections but rather #wethepeople should. But then you can just commit fruad and get away with it. Who else to appeal to other than a judge?

2020-12-09 01:25:22 UTC  

@Beth !!!

2020-12-09 01:25:33 UTC  

Nr 5. is alive!

2020-12-09 01:26:29 UTC  

Good 🙃 DM me when you have a minute

2020-12-09 01:34:06 UTC  
2020-12-09 01:35:45 UTC

2020-12-09 02:07:36 UTC  

Sorry that's the old report I think

2020-12-09 02:11:07 UTC  
2020-12-09 02:11:11 UTC  

Here's the new one

2020-12-09 02:11:51 UTC  

hows life on the moon?

2020-12-09 02:36:02 UTC  

Lonely but I got the rabbit in the moon with me

2020-12-09 02:40:41 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq @FaithJoy I don't think we've had a show with that many viewers for nearly the entire show's cycle. Certainly was an exciting night! I couldn't pay as much attention to the stream this time, but I'll get to watch it later. Love it, keep up the awesome work, both of you.

2020-12-09 02:40:53 UTC  

Welcome to all the new discord users that have joined us.

2020-12-09 02:41:18 UTC  

There is one critical thing on my mind with all of this going on:
What will take precedent? The complete disregard for State Law, State and Federal Constitution and Republican disenfranchisement OR upholding the laws and constitutions and Democrat disenfranchisement?

2020-12-09 02:41:46 UTC  

It can actually go either way...

2020-12-09 02:42:16 UTC  

any lawers on here that can awnser a 2A question?

2020-12-09 02:43:26 UTC  

There are some here who are not lawyers that do have a knowledge of the law. They may help give guidance...

2020-12-09 02:43:32 UTC  

May be non-lawyers that can help you, but just keep in mind, it's not legal advice.

2020-12-09 02:44:27 UTC  

You can ask for guidance, but for legal advice, you will need an attorney, correct @Maw

2020-12-09 02:45:45 UTC  

ive reached out to R&R just havent been able to get through, im from NM im 20 years old and i open carry. In NM the law states that you can open carry any firearm at 19 however you cant buy a handgun until you are 21. my question is; Is my Everyday Carry handgun ilegal since i did not buy it

2020-12-09 02:45:48 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq I've heard the Texas suit described as a "Hail Marry down 25 with 15 seconds on the clock" , how much of a long shot is it in your opinion?

2020-12-09 02:47:18 UTC  

I think a lot of states allow transferring of weapons that otherwise would be illegal to purchase via a grandfather system. I am not an attorney, keep this in mind. @RobertGrulerEsq Is the person that you'd want to ask for actual legal advice. This is one of those situations where it's best to get the opinion of a lawyer in my opinion.

2020-12-09 02:47:37 UTC  

As it's not really in reference to the constitutionality of something, but rather state-specific law.

2020-12-09 02:48:02 UTC  

@Dylan Gpnzales What I would do, given that situation, is to *not* open carry a handgun until you get official legal advice from a licensed attorney or you reach your 21st birthday, whichever comes first, for your own safety.

2020-12-09 02:48:59 UTC  

We wouldn't want you to break the law if you were to take our word for something, so it's in your best interest to get the appropriate opinion from a legal expert.

2020-12-09 02:49:00 UTC  

im hoping rob chimes in so i can get some clarity on the issue.

2020-12-09 02:49:00 UTC  

@Dylan Gpnzales, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-09 02:49:01 UTC  

I don't know that @RobertGrulerEsq is licensed in New Mexico. You would want to reach out to a local attorney that specializes in 2A issues. That is my #Notlegaladvice

2020-12-09 02:49:54 UTC  

legally i can carry my AR slung open carry because i bought it.

2020-12-09 02:50:07 UTC  

The law is very grey in this area

2020-12-09 02:50:43 UTC  

@Dylan Gpnzales he won't get specific even if he does answer you. It would be an ethics violation and he needs to retain standing with the AZ Bar.

2020-12-09 02:51:49 UTC  

I did a google search and it said that to carry and transport a handgun you have to be 19 yrs old.

2020-12-09 02:52:35 UTC  

correct, however you cant buy said handgun until 21 years old. so if its givted to me, is it allowed?

2020-12-09 02:52:36 UTC  

I wouldn't rely on google for your legal advice, keep in mind a lot of those results are likely wrong, unless you're reading the statute itself.

2020-12-09 02:52:58 UTC  

Or rather, it's best to assume it's wrong.

2020-12-09 02:53:00 UTC  

@Dylan Gpnzales A local licensed attorney will probably be your best alternative. As this is a question of State Law (New Mexico), and the question is not settled in your mind, your own personally freedom is paramount and thus, would not open carry a handgun until the question is settled. Or, as stated above, you reach the known lawful age of 21 before you are able to get a professional opinion. REMEMBER - this is just guidance and NOT legal advice 😄

2020-12-09 02:53:59 UTC  

probably good advice lol. NM is very wierd with gun laws