Message from @Whithers

Discord ID: 786419427083550780

2020-12-10 02:23:30 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Robert is a professional at tact or he could not be a lawyer.

2020-12-10 02:23:44 UTC  

well they've been making money with their free/open platforms and now they want to edit content but still not be held accountable ... have cake and eat it too

2020-12-10 02:23:59 UTC  

Thanks... I was not able to watch the chat, so that is good to know.

2020-12-10 02:24:35 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq are you a fan of inrangetv or forgotten weapons? they are based out of AZ

2020-12-10 02:25:07 UTC  

I've not heard of them @ImNotGas

2020-12-10 02:25:26 UTC  

People have to realize that asking Robert to forgo all of his (and Ms. Faith's) efforts to grow this channel is selfish in my opinion. I'm not going to white knight for you, but that's the main issue that bugs me.

2020-12-10 02:26:22 UTC  

Our channel is a huge part of our business and responsible for employing 21 people. I can't act recklessly with the channel. If it was just my channel, that'd be a different story. But I have other people to think about.

2020-12-10 02:26:25 UTC  

My pleasure...

I was curious - Do you think that YouTube might be trying to show what things might be like if S230 is repealed? Wouldn't they have to censor everything if they lost their protections? Making people experience the pain of that censorship now might help garner support for keeping S230 protections in place.

2020-12-10 02:26:45 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq definitely reccomend checking them out if you are into firearms. Forgotten weapons finds old, strange, or weird firearms and details their development and engineering, inrangetv is more for shooting sports like 2gun. They collaborated with a company to bring back polymer lowers for ARs

2020-12-10 02:27:43 UTC  

@TaLoN132 it is a good point and a valid concern. YouTube has the money to fend off the lawsuits. Start ups (like parler / rumble) don't. So it may actually hurt alternatives sites, not help.

2020-12-10 02:28:02 UTC  

@TaLoN132 I actually have been worried about this

2020-12-10 02:28:10 UTC  

I found the channel when the Rittenhouse incident went down and greatly appreciated @RobertGrulerEsq analysis of what I had watched live ... with the election and the following litigation the channel exploded but I think some of that will go away once the litigation is done ... I'll still be here though

2020-12-10 02:28:26 UTC  


2020-12-10 02:28:42 UTC  

yeah the political cheerleaders will go away and it will calm down

2020-12-10 02:28:50 UTC  

unless trump somehow pulls out a win

2020-12-10 02:28:57 UTC  

that will be... entertaining to watch what hapens online

2020-12-10 02:29:12 UTC  

probably a few more rittenhouse like cases to analyze

2020-12-10 02:29:23 UTC  

Not to mention I think de-platforming yourself is the biggest sort of self-destructive behavior you could think of.
"Ah yes. I'll show it to the system by removing all of my influence and my ability to attempt and get my truth out there. Excellent."
I should be a little more gentle with how I'm wording this but it's irksome. It's probably just today.

2020-12-10 02:29:24 UTC  

yes @ImNotGas this is just an interesting ride we are on for the time being.

2020-12-10 02:30:01 UTC  

Yea that does not make any sense to me @Maw I could "show" YouTube by ..... being cancelled and muted permanently?

2020-12-10 02:30:02 UTC  

The problem is that YT, Google, Patreon, Twitter, Twitch, etc. have been choosing what races, colors, sexes, ethnicities, religions, and political affiliations are allowed to speak for years now. So, there is no difference if 230 is removed. @ImNotGas

2020-12-10 02:30:17 UTC  
2020-12-10 02:30:34 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq the people demanding you fight and not bow down really dont understand the power that youtube holds in this arrangement

2020-12-10 02:30:51 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq they probably legitimately believe anyone could go sue them in a county court

2020-12-10 02:30:57 UTC  

for 1st amendment violations

2020-12-10 02:31:17 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq It is not a question of what you can do. It is a matter of what they shall do as soon as they feel like it fits their political agenda.

2020-12-10 02:31:42 UTC  

and the discussion in the discord has been helpful ... @TaLoN132 myself and others have hashed through some of the details of the court cases here and I've found that helpful ... but with all the new people arriving on the server and re-hashing stuff we've been over before it's hard to move forward with new discussion at times ... this too will pass

2020-12-10 02:31:49 UTC  

@Whithers the differense is if 230 is removed there is a possibility where the places that DONT discrimiate as such get drowned in lawsuits and die any time they start to gain any userbase

2020-12-10 02:31:53 UTC  

Diversification, and setting up on platforms that will not be restricted.

2020-12-10 02:31:58 UTC  

I think the same thing about being a lawyer. If you don't like the system, your best chance of changing the system is to be a part of the system. Not alienating yourself from the system.

2020-12-10 02:31:59 UTC  

Follow Lin Woods' and Sidney Powell's tactic in GA Senate race...

2020-12-10 02:32:40 UTC  

Exactly. I bite my tongue all the time in court (most of the time). You have to play by the rules and operate within the confines of the rules.

2020-12-10 02:33:02 UTC  

Feels bad man.jpg when the rules are stacked against you, but that the way it works.

2020-12-10 02:33:12 UTC  


2020-12-10 02:33:18 UTC  

Not a winning strategy, imo.

2020-12-10 02:33:19 UTC  

Gotta roll with the punches.

2020-12-10 02:33:21 UTC  

They will find that out.

2020-12-10 02:33:26 UTC  

@ImNotGas The problem is the Left is lying about what Trump intends with 230. It isn't about leaving everyone hanging. It is about limiting the censorship to specifics: corporations should not have authority to suppress or remove Unalienable Rights.

2020-12-10 02:33:37 UTC  

i understand what he intends

2020-12-10 02:33:41 UTC  

Oh yes... the "Don't vote" tactic, see my prior "self-destructive behaviors" rant.

2020-12-10 02:33:43 UTC  

well you're a smart guy if you can do that in the court of law and still get your message across you can do that in the court of YouTube