Message from @English Remi

Discord ID: 788149045419966537

2020-12-14 20:50:23 UTC  

Clearly “qanon” is the new term for “conspiracy theorist”, whose function is solely to discredit ideas using a single term.

2020-12-14 20:51:10 UTC  

What’s easier-explaining irregularities or muttering “qanon”?

2020-12-14 20:51:20 UTC  

I only use it to describe people that pedal in literal qanon conspiracies.

2020-12-14 20:51:42 UTC  

What does that mean?

2020-12-14 20:52:01 UTC  

Who defines what is a qanon idea?

2020-12-14 20:52:21 UTC  

Is Russia collusion qanon?

2020-12-14 20:52:38 UTC  

I don't give a D about them. The point is : build an absurd bogey-man and destroy the straw-man. Answer the serious points.

2020-12-14 20:53:20 UTC  

It means you are saying things I don't want to answer.

2020-12-14 20:53:42 UTC  

What else do you want me to explain? I told you that comparing all turned in ballots to Democrat requested ballots is a bad metric. This should be obvious. Do you want me to explain it again?

The number of requested ballots by democrats, gop, independents and third parties exceeded the total mailin ballots. This wasnt "changed" or wtf ever you are pretending it's on many news sites.

2020-12-14 20:54:12 UTC  

I think he literally takes it to mean “an anonymous writer wrote about the idea on an anonymous message board”. If youwould say that is the basis for your argument, it sounds much weaker.

2020-12-14 20:54:45 UTC  

You make an awful lot of assumptions 💩

2020-12-14 20:55:00 UTC  

Thank God everyone has not bought into this BS. I am not hopeful but I am gratified that some people can still think for themselves.

2020-12-14 20:55:31 UTC  

Take your pathetic strawmen and leave. I wasnt talking to you advance.

2020-12-14 20:55:37 UTC  

Well I said “I think...”. Feel free to tell me what you mean by qanon.

2020-12-14 20:57:11 UTC  

No. If you were honest I would want you to explain that the numbers Giuliani was quoting came from MY SIDE.

2020-12-14 20:57:41 UTC  

The question is : was the IT counting system secure? Answer: No it was not.

2020-12-14 20:58:37 UTC  

@meglide Indeed. But remember that random correlations often are confounders.

2020-12-14 20:59:11 UTC  

random as in: "found through a search over the entire genome"

2020-12-14 21:02:55 UTC  

Since we are quoting from medical websites:

2020-12-14 21:06:44 UTC  

so "mechanisms" in the title is probably too strong of a word ... yeah discussion says it increases the probability "that some of these associations relate to the later, immune-mediated phase of the disease"

2020-12-14 21:10:02 UTC  

yeah, still not as good as the wonder drug they gave Trump when he as in the hospital ... just approved for emergency use by the FDA I believe

2020-12-14 21:10:59 UTC  

I do not know what they gave him, but well done for evading the point. I'll check in again tomorrow.

2020-12-14 21:12:05 UTC  

sorry if I missed your point ... but my point is there are better treatments out there now ... also full-credit to Trump for Operation Warp Speed

2020-12-14 21:12:17 UTC  

@meglide exactly. If you do a genome study of pianists and guitarists, you will find correlates. Does not mean the ability to play a piano is genetical.

2020-12-14 21:15:00 UTC  

@English Remi Regeneron is the name of the drug. Trump was raving about how good it was.

2020-12-14 21:16:26 UTC  

The "discrepancy" was between how many Democrats requested a ballot be sent to them in the mail and the number of ballots returned in the mail (all parties). Guiliani had a problem with the fact 1.8+ million Democrats asked for a ballot. 2.5 million votes counted. He says wheres the 700k difference come from (600k in other cases he repeated the claim multiple times).

If you look at the actual requested ballots you see where those votes came from. Many people in the state voted for Trump in the mail not just Biden.

"The majority of people, 1.9 million, applying for mail-in or absentee ballots are Democrats, according to state data. About 760,000 are Republicans and 350,000 are registered independents or third-party voters."

This does not hold up in court. Democrats were not 100% of mailed ballots. Trump didn't get no mail votes.

2020-12-14 21:17:03 UTC  

He straight up said that 700k difference was proof of fraud.

2020-12-14 21:20:08 UTC  

Where did his information come from?

2020-12-14 21:24:34 UTC  

you can double check on PA election returns website:

2020-12-14 21:24:35 UTC  

I do need to go to bed. Good. I am glad they gave the president of the USA something that worked. In the meantime, simple and cheap anti-malarials were also effective as he pointed out at the start. I think you called it the Zelenko protocal - in France it was associated with Pr. Raoult. The British media succeeded in hiding it altogether. The fact remains that a cheap and common treatment was available. The fact remains that the world economy has ground to a halt without good reason;

2020-12-14 21:27:01 UTC  

I mean the putative differences between mail-in ballots requested and counted. As I remember this came from a state website discrepancy that was subsequently corrected. Maybe I am wrong. And I do need to sleep. I will check in tomorrow.

2020-12-14 21:27:02 UTC  

He never explained where he got his numbers and some of his more propaganda based claims like that one never went into any of his court cases which have followup documentation. He could just say whatever he wants. I'm just pretty sure he compared Democrat mailin votes to all returned votes because the numbers matched up identical when he said them.

2020-12-14 21:28:29 UTC  

I mean when you are in a hearing and can say anything he could have said 0 voters asked for a mailin ballot. He doesnt have to prove it. But I tried to track the numbers he did say.

2020-12-14 21:38:17 UTC  

So is it true 3 of Biden states went to Trump I can’t find anything. About it

2020-12-14 21:38:17 UTC  

@jackel37isagod, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-14 21:38:26 UTC  

There all saying Biden won

2020-12-14 21:40:35 UTC  

> So is it true 3 of Biden states went to Trump I can’t find anything. About it
@jackel37isagod People say a lot of things.

2020-12-14 21:41:19 UTC  

Me ether but it shows trim winning