Message from @Whithers

Discord ID: 788246291536543754

2020-12-15 03:22:12 UTC  

I am thrilled that it has blossomed. Very well done.

2020-12-15 03:22:16 UTC  

Just to give me more white hair.

2020-12-15 03:22:28 UTC  


2020-12-15 03:22:37 UTC  

you think?

2020-12-15 03:23:29 UTC  

Thank you Zulu and thanks for being so supportive and an original.

2020-12-15 03:23:32 UTC  

Today was actually a mistake though, the chat kinda jumps downward whenever a comment is hidden that's held for review.

2020-12-15 03:23:45 UTC  

It's mildly infuriating.

2020-12-15 03:23:47 UTC  

I like the "we shall see" line goes right along with Watching the Watchers ... we're watching the watchers and "we shall see" what they do

2020-12-15 03:23:56 UTC  

It's entirely youtube's fault though.

2020-12-15 03:24:02 UTC  

@Maw I am still outraged.

2020-12-15 03:24:05 UTC  


2020-12-15 03:24:17 UTC  


2020-12-15 03:24:28 UTC  


2020-12-15 03:24:45 UTC  

_goes super saiyan communist, it's gulag time._

2020-12-15 03:25:03 UTC  

Lmao jerks

2020-12-15 03:25:45 UTC  

JRoberts did not want blame for riots that will riot anyway.

2020-12-15 03:25:45 UTC  

We love you.

2020-12-15 03:25:54 UTC  

You can dish the sarcasm, you can take it.

2020-12-15 03:26:04 UTC  

Yes @Zuluzeit you are essential in my heart.

2020-12-15 03:26:52 UTC  

Ok fine, I'll stick around. Thanks guys 😢

2020-12-15 03:29:20 UTC  

Yeah, I am not so catty. I can get coldly calculating. I attempt to avoid that.

2020-12-15 03:29:42 UTC  

somehow we're not talking about law right now ... but yeah I don't ascribe political motives to the SCOTUS decision ... I think there wasn't a remedy under the constitution and so they weren't going to get into it no matter what

2020-12-15 03:30:18 UTC  

Ive never dished out a unicorn before.

2020-12-15 03:30:29 UTC  

But I hear it is nice dinner.

2020-12-15 03:30:56 UTC  

Wow, yeah. Wth is that? New one on me.

2020-12-15 03:31:20 UTC  

To tough. Not like veil.

2020-12-15 03:31:20 UTC  

There are lots of weird unicode characters nowadays.

2020-12-15 03:32:11 UTC  


2020-12-15 03:32:51 UTC  

Hello, Mr. Anderson.

2020-12-15 03:32:59 UTC  

Hi everyone

2020-12-15 03:33:08 UTC  

Welcome! @ankiwo

2020-12-15 03:34:25 UTC  

Neo much?

2020-12-15 03:34:34 UTC  

Naw, Agent Smith.

2020-12-15 03:34:45 UTC  

That's all I see when I see that unicode character.

2020-12-15 03:34:53 UTC  

And I'm almost certain that was the intent.

2020-12-15 03:35:01 UTC  

Hence the sunglasses, levitating, and business suit.

2020-12-15 03:35:35 UTC  

@ankiwo hola

2020-12-15 03:36:30 UTC  

we had a discussion on it this morning in <#771201221145919499> and here's the short version of my take: there's a link that has this on standing - "Constitutional Standards: Injury in Fact, Causation, and Redressability.—Although the Court has been inconsistent, it has now settled upon the rule that, “at an irreducible minimum,” the constitutional requisites under Article III for the existence of standing are that the plaintiff must personally have: 1) suffered some actual or threatened injury; 2) that injury can fairly be traced to the challenged action of the defendant; and 3) that the injury is likely to be redressed by a favorable decision." ... I think its #3) for SCOTUS on the TX case, there's no constitutional remedy that changes the result all based on the electors clause in the constitution

2020-12-15 03:39:17 UTC  

HAH! I just did a search of my name and not one picture came up. Stealth!

2020-12-15 03:41:37 UTC  

Now try a reverse image search.