Message from @Doc

Discord ID: 788612125328670792

2020-12-16 03:36:40 UTC  

They always rebell against the borders.

2020-12-16 03:36:48 UTC  

> Im not very religious, so cro magnon?
@Doc I have a feeling it is you to thank for the blessing we are about to receive. I hope I'm wrong. 🤞

2020-12-16 03:37:08 UTC  

@Zuluzeit youre welcome

2020-12-16 03:37:09 UTC  

why Gödel is my hero

2020-12-16 03:37:21 UTC  

Gödel is nice.

2020-12-16 03:37:34 UTC  

He can be weaponized against followers of scientism.

2020-12-16 03:38:56 UTC  

@Zuluzeit Interesting association...when people say their forfathers are their religion, ask them how far back they go. 😄

2020-12-16 03:39:22 UTC  

We thank you, murderous great ape, for the blessings....

2020-12-16 03:40:32 UTC  

Oh God. It's gonna be a biggun.

2020-12-16 03:40:43 UTC  

thats what she said...

2020-12-16 03:40:48 UTC  

just curious, does this party go on all night here?

2020-12-16 03:40:50 UTC  


2020-12-16 03:41:11 UTC  

@ankiwo sometimes. I am 15 min from retiring. Sadly.

2020-12-16 03:41:17 UTC  

I'm no fan of the Federal Reserve... It defies logic. We might be arguing two different points. If the Fed isn't going anywhere, we still had a model for sustained equitable success and we abandoned it in 1980. Since then, we have become more fractured and I think it is on purpose. Keeping the country divided keeps the citizens unable to amass and exert their inherent power. It's a shell game and we all think we have the eye on the ball, but it ain't where any of us thinks it is.

2020-12-16 03:41:18 UTC  

You are partially correct, but only minutely. The problem there started at Indiana Tech where a professor in the 1970's was training students how to leverage for hostile take-over of a company, dissect it, and auction it off piecemeal for profit. Reagan did not start that, and it would have happened anyway. The combination of rising capital gains taxes and high income taxes was driving the corporatists out of the country. That is why all of the TV's that used to be made in Missouri were moved to Mexico and my area became unemployed. You can have a higher income tax when you have a lack of transporation tech forcing capital owners to rely on local employment to which they have access. Private Jets and global teleconferencing made that limitation non-existent. One of the few things Robert Reich and I agree upon.

We had a stronger middle class because downsizing for the bottom line had not become a thing. Ayn Rand's crappy philosophy of abandon your people, profit at any cost is better, you harm your employees if you treat them with respect as human beings - resulted in corporations only concerned with the bottom line and Machiavellian appearance. Then the Neo-Libs (Clinton) brought that approach to government. With the Union power busted due to its excesses in the ATC strike, downsizing of corporations under Objectivist philosophy by the corporatists, and downsizing of government by the Neo-Libs, we got wage stagnation for the middle class.

There had been a table of economy held up by the four legs: Unions, Middle Management, Government Service, and Small Business. Reagan broke the first, Objectivists destroyed the second, Clinton destroyed the third, and Walmart and Amazon weakened the last so the Dems could destroy them with Covid.

2020-12-16 03:41:21 UTC  

Im enjoying it while I can, this spring will be stress

2020-12-16 03:41:24 UTC  

It goes on all night in election chat...also what she said.

2020-12-16 03:41:44 UTC  

Doc, Whithers is writing a tome. You may need to stay up with your nightlight LOL

2020-12-16 03:42:27 UTC  

Well, I stand corrected on the impetus for it. Must have been at work already during doc's post.

2020-12-16 03:42:50 UTC  

read it. As usual I agree with everyones critique of who they are against.

2020-12-16 03:43:02 UTC  

I am an anti-ist fundamentalist.

2020-12-16 03:44:21 UTC  

BTW am I on the only crazy person here who watched the electoral college votes

2020-12-16 03:44:21 UTC  

Reminds me of the cold war. Everything the russians said about the US was true, everything the US said about the Russians was true, its their domestic propaganda that made no sense.

2020-12-16 03:44:22 UTC  

I like isms. Keeps people busy.

2020-12-16 03:44:56 UTC  

@Zuluzeit the show must go on. - Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofsky

2020-12-16 03:44:57 UTC  

Because Texas is going to drop some scathing words to SCOTUS justices. They got cajones, those Texans

2020-12-16 03:45:03 UTC  

I watched a little of it around work.

2020-12-16 03:45:20 UTC  

In January

2020-12-16 03:45:26 UTC  

when reading the ballots

2020-12-16 03:45:37 UTC  

there will be many objections

2020-12-16 03:45:55 UTC  

I am a massive fan of the Federal Reserve which stopped the decennial depressions our nation suffered as a result of going to a national mint system with no national bank to regulate exchanges concerning interest vs. inflation. That left an open hole which the SEC would plug later. Now, we have the problem of having been on a virtual currency economy since we went off the gold standard, and we have no way of determining the accurate value of the economic exchanges needed versus those that appear anyway in order to ensure the correct supply of units of currency.

2020-12-16 03:46:57 UTC  

Think of it like a building. You're talking about what goes on at the upper floors and I'm telling you the foundation is in quick sand.

2020-12-16 03:47:18 UTC  

Yes, I have low blood pressure and didn't want to have to call for an ambulence.

2020-12-16 03:47:42 UTC  

by design

2020-12-16 03:47:44 UTC  

> Because Texas is going to drop some scathing words to SCOTUS justices. They got cajones, those Texans
@ankiwo Texas needs to stay in its lane. They'd blow a gasket for anyone else doing far less than that stunt.

2020-12-16 03:48:30 UTC  

Whithers, food and medicine are currency in a starving nation, certainly not paper and not gold

2020-12-16 03:49:25 UTC  

Zuluzeit, they are gonna do what they are gonna do. They made it into a resolution

2020-12-16 03:49:53 UTC  

Yup. Those chickens will come home to roost

2020-12-16 03:50:17 UTC  

Wasnt Texas where Davy Crockett promised Santa Anna he would survive if he capitulated The Alamo?

2020-12-16 03:50:34 UTC  

Lol close enough

2020-12-16 03:50:49 UTC  

The Alamo is where PeeWee Herman lost his bicycle