Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 789683640346607617

2020-12-19 02:30:04 UTC  

a man of culture.

2020-12-19 02:30:52 UTC  

@Whithers i'm pretty sure you can still find the video on youtube. he said that "the police" were going to kill him... however, kamal had a law to lose there. It was her assisstant and the guy that walked in to Santa Clarita PD dressed as officers saying they were the masonic police force and were taking all masonic police business and they controlled 33 cities/police forces across US and one in Mexico

2020-12-19 02:33:03 UTC  

3rd Amendment: *No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.*
"quartered" shall now mean to be cut into four parts, equal or unequal, and no other meanings shall be considered.
Now, because the Constitution is a *living document*, soldiers can now enter ones home at anytime they desire, day or night, for any reason.

2020-12-19 02:33:21 UTC  

How's that?

2020-12-19 02:33:56 UTC  

You can no longer find the video of Tienamien, even the official music video from Psykosonik is gone, scrubbed. They will leave no evidence on line of any counter narrative once the coalition with China, the MSM, Social Media, and the Left. There is no longer any place for a middle ground. We are at war, and we are not fighting back because of a wishy-washy middle and the corporatist collaborators.

2020-12-19 02:34:00 UTC  

I ask again, do you want to go back to the pre-1919 interpretation of the first amendment?

2020-12-19 02:34:32 UTC  

Where you have much less rights.

2020-12-19 02:34:33 UTC  

Why not go back to the 1792 meaning?

2020-12-19 02:35:02 UTC  

We want a legislature that does its job and a court that does not legislate.

2020-12-19 02:36:06 UTC  

@Whithers its been continually reposted, almost daily by people... bc it has some serious implications for what actually happened in the election in terms of theft and the lock out of the electors in MI when same police locked them out that locked out the ballot contesters. I have it saved along with a decade of research on an external hard drive but i'm not quite sure how that applies to this chat function business.

2020-12-19 02:36:07 UTC  

@Birkley, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-19 02:36:16 UTC  

@Bey In part because we do not know what that is. The first effective American dictionary was Webster's 1828. Before that we do not have any definitive knowledge of the meaning of the language.

2020-12-19 02:36:46 UTC  

The intent of a law when being created has much weight, not on one's opinion that the meaning has changed with the passage of time.

2020-12-19 02:36:52 UTC  

From Steave Deace Show:
We are not a nation of laws and never have been.
We are a nation of political will and always will be.

2020-12-19 02:37:41 UTC  

"In 1798 authorities arrested Bache under the Sedition Act of 1798 for libeling President Adams, but he was released on parole. He died soon afterward of yellow fever at the age of 29. His widow carried on the paper after his death and married the associate editor, William Duane."

2020-12-19 02:39:20 UTC  

also: to group. anyone got any thoughts on how bizarre electors getting locked out of MI by police actually was? and then after two hours of media darkness coming back and them playing the "Black National Anthem" ? That shit is crazy racist. if that was white ppl, that shit would have been considered most racist bs of last 50 years (aside from you know, Biden drug laws and general mass incarcerations)

2020-12-19 02:40:06 UTC  

The problem we have is that because the Left does not believe in revealed existence, they hold no sacred values and can never hold any sacred values. All things are relative and mutable for them, such as whether or not a person is male or female. Since they have no standards and can never have standards, they can never hold any government by a Constitution to be valid. No law can be valid when it is inconvenient to their agenda and inconvenient to their power. This is why the Right will lose if it restricts itself to the pretense that their opposition has any honor.

2020-12-19 02:40:22 UTC  

We've been over this. Inventing enemies of fictional components of the constitution and then appointing yourself defender of it is no way to go through life, son.

2020-12-19 02:40:25 UTC  

Seditious libel was a crime and on the books up until 2010.

2020-12-19 02:40:51 UTC  

Seems like you don't care about the first amendment then, eh?

2020-12-19 02:41:36 UTC  

It is not my intent now, or ever, to be seditious to my Nation.

2020-12-19 02:41:57 UTC  

I guess we couldn't write salacious writings about Obama either.

2020-12-19 02:42:05 UTC  

Jeez. What sedition.

2020-12-19 02:42:33 UTC  

You hold the publication of lies to effect harm for profit is a just and moral action protected by the Constitution. One can yell fire in a crowded theater if there is a fire in a crowded theater. The first standard of the free press was always truth, which is why libel and slander are still, if barely, illegal.

2020-12-19 02:43:05 UTC  

hey group how do i see messages i'm tagged in?

2020-12-19 02:43:26 UTC  

Lol That was weak. Seems like Whithers hasn't scripted a useful alternate version of 1A yet. Maybe some day.

2020-12-19 02:43:30 UTC  

Your name will appear over the message like in this one.

2020-12-19 02:43:34 UTC  

You understand that in 1798 this man was arrested on grounds of sedition for talking ill about a president yes?

2020-12-19 02:43:49 UTC  

Because he didn't like a president.

2020-12-19 02:44:35 UTC  

(God forbid)

2020-12-19 02:45:02 UTC  

This man would indicate that you were arrested in 1798 for sedition. I am aware that Adams had a horrible time with Jefferson and Madison double teaming fellow officials and so had a law written that limited groupings of persons to 2 on Federal grounds.

2020-12-19 02:45:03 UTC  

Lmao sedition. Here we will go defining things into existence again. 3...2...1...

2020-12-19 02:45:20 UTC  

Missed it. Damn.

2020-12-19 02:45:29 UTC  

Well... We say that we know what that scenario entails. However, as a person of science, I say we need to repeat the experiment and yell fire without there being a fire... In order to see if people act differently now...

2020-12-19 02:45:29 UTC  
2020-12-19 02:45:53 UTC  

Imagine for the moment, if you couldn't criticize the government.

2020-12-19 02:46:03 UTC  

Just as the Left does about Trump... but if anyone says something derogatory about their Savior Biden, Twitter, Facebook, et al. will censor them. Why? Because the constitution is a *living document* and they can abridge one's freedom of speech. The *living constitution* has two tiers, one for the Left and one for everyone else.

2020-12-19 02:46:24 UTC  

Twitter and facebook aren't the government.

2020-12-19 02:46:38 UTC  

thank you @Whithers i keep getting them and maybe i'm not first listed or something i've never used this before so i'm a bit fish out of water here

2020-12-19 02:46:56 UTC  

You also can't scream on people's private property and have them force you to stay there.