Message from @NiceBear
Discord ID: 481715643855667201
Why are you asking me?
Did you not get enough attention the first time?
Are you lonely?
Are you okay?
Yeah. That's it, I'm sure
Yeah. That's it, I'm sure
should i go to sleep
im tired
ill go back to looking at office chairs i cant afford
Even the most stupid creatures on earth are able to figure out that, if they're tired, they should sleep
Congrats on joining their ranks
thank you
Because thats inconspicuous
There goes John, getting mad at traps with 0 prompting, yet again
Its late night shitposting hours you sad sop.
But why the recurring theme of traps and how gay they are? <:googlethink:328536447219138561>
Isn't it bigoted that EA is trying to attract female gamers by selling cosmetics in BF:V? <:alismirk:230784726615588865>
Goddamn I love shooting mosquitos out of the air with window cleaner.
so you squirt window cleaner around your house?
Jesus fucking Christ.
also everything else does just work on this fucking ubuntu
but ghost install makes the raspbi2 die/stuck
so badly that even SSH wont work (even tho session is screened)
i fucking wish you could build these images on desktop enviroment and just inser to SD-card
Always gonna have people that are fucked in the head.
year of the linux desktop guys
no excuse
>opens game with anticheat
>gets banned
just so I could save 1% CPU usage guys
you could just do whatever the fuck you wanted lmao