Message from @EmperorConstantine
Discord ID: 773924998950944808
those are just terms used to silence dissenters
Oh ok
I thought so
Most of the "phobic" terms don't even make sense (in the context of politics)
I don't fear gay people, I don't fear trannies
Immigrants maybe given their criminal tendencies
Islamophobia? It is not an irrational fear to fear those who decapitate non-believers.
Still in this boys
it’s rewind time
I just checked it
They are factoring in the fake votes on the government website too
Trump will still have to fight it ig
How the fuck did they come up with 600,000 ballots for Biden in an hour
Have faith
Trump already won
We just have to prove it in court
Not too hard
Keep high morale
I have hope
I have hope for sure
Keep kek'ing
> Keep high morale
@itslennytime High energy we are zoomers
Positive energy and faith is necessary
Christ rewards those who are faithful
We can win this
Just like Nick says, we have several options
What are they
1) State/County Lawsuits
3) Getting electors to vote against the popular vote
4) MAGA night at the white house
In that order