Message from @EmperorConstantine
Discord ID: 774282598155026475
This is how
Have faith
Trump already won
We just have to prove it in court
Not too hard
Keep high morale
I have hope
I have hope for sure
Keep kek'ing
> Keep high morale
@itslennytime High energy we are zoomers
Positive energy and faith is necessary
Christ rewards those who are faithful
We can win this
Just like Nick says, we have several options
What are they
1) State/County Lawsuits
3) Getting electors to vote against the popular vote
4) MAGA night at the white house
MAGA night?
Not gonna explain that one. You gotta watch Nick's recent episodes to get that one
MAGA night...?
@EmperorConstantine a new level is so fucking good
Listen to Hollow
I think its on the same album
Oh yeah I've heard this one before
You're right its so good
What language is that π
They think they are so edgy by writing in a foreign language and pretending its like Satanic or something
When Satan sends his people, he's not sending his best!
That might be Georgian idk
or Armenian
> What language is that π
@itslennytime Thai