
Discord ID: 342178323176226816

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Doesn't he support biden

Can someone please explain to me how trumps tactic of being the loudest one on stage works

> and how can i grow in "rank"
@IAR 99 ศ˜oim talk more but I don't think that's ever gonna happen

How the fuck are we ever gonna revive this server

I find it hilarious when I was watching a homelessness video in class and they were interviewing homeless people and they all said that it's the immigrants fault because the government was focusing too much on them instead of their own citizens

We was hyperborean n sheeit

I was planning on buying a bible today, what version should I get

All of the Balkans are serbian

Is that the best and most accurate?

Aight thank you

What book should I get to do with politics

Thoughts on this?

I found it on Reddit after looking for it because of a shitty panther den meme I found funny, the Reddit comments are as expected

Soy does make you weak and feminine

It has the highest amount of estrogen in any food

What do you guys think about the action bible?

I was planning on writing a book does anyone want to help

The death of the west and how the internet plays a key part in it

I know it sounds cringe but it is something that sounds interesting to me

Mainly just facts and statistics and more depth on trends in social media

And internet history

It's ok, I understand, I also should probably do a lot of this stuff by myself anyway

Race war time

Guys what should we talk about

Abit odd innit


Morality is a myth made up by atheists to make them feel like they don't need a god to do good things

Pokimane and AOC is a dangerous combination

What does the bible say on race mixing

She is your typical twitch thot so ofc she is gonna be leftist

Time to troll

How do I use bible not again

Oh it's not here

Did anyone watch AOCs Livestream

Going on suicide watch because of what pope Francis said

Gay union = good and that we should have them

Gonna kill the pope and burn a few satanic churches now

And convert to orthodox

Yeah, I say we should just revolt

No, weren't protestants around because the king of England wanted a divorce or am I confusing it for something else

Oh ok

I'm just gonna become orthodox instead because I know lots of people who are orthodox

God damn Anglicans

Also apparently PewDiePie called atheists cringe

It's kinda sad that people now have to hide from being Christian, I even have to do it in my own house, all my family are atheists and they don't like Christians

Even though I have Christian aunts and uncles

Yeah I know but I think my brother is slowly converting which is good

I also have to go against lots of things I agree with because half of my friends are leftwing retards

I am in a small school and they aren't that bad, I just don't talk about politics with them

And it's funny because I go to a Catholic school

Idk why but I was too exausted to do do all my daily lifting exercises today, I'm just really exausted today


Just like the south one day this server shall rise

This server is the very definition of good things don't last long

This server has been more active now then I've seen in a while

Yikes your problematic ๐Ÿ’…โœจ

Industrial society and it's future

Noot how are you verified groyper

I honestly really like ted and he is right in most parts, the only issue I really have with him is that the industrial revolution was completely bad and that it was a mistake

I think we need bible bot back

I can't be Christian and I constantly have to be in degeneracy

I have to hide my faith

Anyway I need to go to school

I go to a Catholic school and basically everyone doesn't believe in god

Tfw rappers are endorsing trump meaning he will most likely have the black vore

!bible bot

So no bible bot?

I don't pretend to be an atheist, I still pray twice a day at home just my family members don't know about it

and I am baptized

I don't think I've denied Christ yet besides when I was a cringe atheist

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