Message from @mrspiderforeman
Discord ID: 771908150461988865
There is a political party in Sweden called "The Sweden Democrats" (They're not perfect but they're a good start for a change in Swedens social fabric). For many years they had exactly the same reputation as Trump had before the election. "Racist" "sexist" "homophobic" all of these low iq terms used by white liberals.
and even funnier I barely watched any tv or youtube (my mother was rather strict, which I have come to see as a good thing) so I didnt have much outside influence.
That's good to hear man, I kinda had to figure out the truth myself. There isn't much a young guy can do about the liberal social paradigme.
But something I find quite funny is that I've pretty much only had white friends, there are some exceptions (Eastern Asians, Latinos). Raciall consciousness at young age?
Same with my family.
Well see... I never really had friends just some siblings so I didnt need really need friends anyway
I used to be in this weird state of being homophobic and being pro trans rights until last year where I discovered the wider internet
Now I hate anyone from LGBTQ
I think most trans people have a legitimate mental disorder(or some sort of mental issue) and we should help them get the care they need and hopefully cure them
and I was never "homophobic", I never feared homosexuals... I just hate degenerate faggotry
Yeah, homophobic is just an easier term so say
anything that ends in "phobic" are meme terms that shouldn't be taken seriously
remember when they called Trump zenophobic for shutting down travel from China
What about terms like arachnophobia
fear of spiders
Phobia: "An exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation"- merriam webster
Yeah those type of phobias should be fine right?
I'm talking in the context of politics
those are just terms used to silence dissenters
I thought so
Most of the "phobic" terms don't even make sense (in the context of politics)
I don't fear gay people, I don't fear trannies
Immigrants maybe given their criminal tendencies
Islamophobia? It is not an irrational fear to fear those who decapitate non-believers.
Still in this boys
it’s rewind time
I just checked it
They are factoring in the fake votes on the government website too
Trump will still have to fight it ig
How the fuck did they come up with 600,000 ballots for Biden in an hour
This is how