Message from @🅱arD
Discord ID: 287816006649380865
>tfw we're becoming relevant
We don't have any requirements politically other than anti communist
no fatties tho
I would gladly kill a communist if it were legal
hey @here I'm going to be vetting in like 5 minutes
If you need to be vetted ping me
Much appreciated!
How does one get vetted?
I need to charge my phone becausemy mic is a jerk and died on me
I ask you questions
in voice
He will vet you for anime
Keep in mind the site is not entirely accurate
and then I analyze the data using our government funded analyzing machines
And I took that a bit ago
Yeah I'll start vetting once I get my phone more charged
Sounds pretty ez
Yeah, it is
oh shit
Kek, someone bought the shirt
I'm opposed to the yellow color scheme, it looks libertarian as fuck
I didn't realize they were up for sale yet
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Judging my that make up, it's a bit ironic
You can't become full right without becoming authoritarian.
Politics is a circle
Libertarians are gay
eventually you become so much of a leftist you become a hyper capitalist
It's science
@🅱arD clearly you haven't seen the extended political graph with the hyperlibertarians
what is the true color of a far authoritarian right?
Oh shit what up
"eventually you become so much of a leftist you become a hyper capitalist
It's science"
or fascist like me somewhat
Cute girls wearing our shirts