Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 287815730391678976
Commies are niggers, andd niggers are commies
We have everything from full on natsoc to an ancap to libertarians
I'm a theocratic monarcho-fascist neo-imperialist
My coordinates are (4,6) on that
@John - AZ we're anti communist, regardless of political spectrum
Damn nigga
Kek, some faggot in Honduras mentioned us in the pol thread
>tfw we're becoming relevant
We don't have any requirements politically other than anti communist
no fatties tho
I would gladly kill a communist if it were legal
hey @here I'm going to be vetting in like 5 minutes
If you need to be vetted ping me
How does one get vetted?
I need to charge my phone becausemy mic is a jerk and died on me
I ask you questions
in voice
He will vet you for anime
Keep in mind the site is not entirely accurate
and then I analyze the data using our government funded analyzing machines
And I took that a bit ago
Yeah I'll start vetting once I get my phone more charged
Sounds pretty ez
Political compass is biased towards left libertarians
Yeah, it is
oh shit
Kek, someone bought the shirt
I'm opposed to the yellow color scheme, it looks libertarian as fuck
I didn't realize they were up for sale yet
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Judging my that make up, it's a bit ironic