Message from @Darjeeling
Discord ID: 287816367149940736
And I took that a bit ago
Yeah I'll start vetting once I get my phone more charged
Sounds pretty ez
Political compass is biased towards left libertarians
Yeah, it is
oh shit
Kek, someone bought the shirt
I'm opposed to the yellow color scheme, it looks libertarian as fuck
I didn't realize they were up for sale yet
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Judging my that make up, it's a bit ironic
You can't become full right without becoming authoritarian.
Politics is a circle
Libertarians are gay
eventually you become so much of a leftist you become a hyper capitalist
It's science
@🅱arD clearly you haven't seen the extended political graph with the hyperlibertarians
what is the true color of a far authoritarian right?
"eventually you become so much of a leftist you become a hyper capitalist
It's science"
or fascist like me somewhat
Cute girls wearing our shirts
What is this?
is your new home
How did I get here?
She has black lipstick
ty @Iamawesom
omg what are things halp
I was talking about in the political compass test.
its really poorly done
fug, shill detected
"Hail Lenin"
some guy I was considering getting with scored in the deep red though
I decided noooooooo