Message from @Solipsistic Vinarchy
Discord ID: 459540899295395875
Long show
nick should get qanon on his show
is qanon an actual person
i dont know anything about it, but people keep going on
That would be a good show. A solid hour of nick making fun of boomers
If i get on Andy warski, I’m gonna talk about Richard Spencer’s mustache
I’m in the waiting room
Qanon posts are autistic
already 2.5k views on tonight’s video. atta boy nick!
call it gay @Simon Scola
counter signaling qanon is an automatic ban
qanon has info that will lead to hillary clinton's arrest... but he doesnt want to get killed
we are kings
he was 1. a good boy
didnt do anything
which will be proven a larp first qanon or russia investigation
only 1 person could predict that
first concentration camps
now keeping the scientists quiet
idk whats goin on but im likin it
Literally hitler
you rang
Im supporting both
Small dictatorship
liberals triggered about it in another discord I'm in
didn't like that I liked it
>implying dictatorships are bad
@Simon Scola did you get on? I only caught the last few minutes
I just came back from poland, AmFirst has a few new right-wing polish viewers
spread the tradcat message plz
@Conscript epic