Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 594862074694336513

2019-06-30 04:27:04 UTC  
2019-06-30 04:27:05 UTC  

poor guy

2019-06-30 04:27:09 UTC  

I can get it done in like, 20 minutes now

2019-06-30 04:27:33 UTC  

stop jerking off

2019-06-30 04:27:36 UTC  

It helps

2019-06-30 04:28:25 UTC  

...helps what?

2019-06-30 04:29:34 UTC  

with sex

2019-06-30 04:30:09 UTC  

I don't think I'm deficient in sex. I'm deficient in just being able to go to sleep.

2019-06-30 04:57:53 UTC  

@Deleted User this tasted abysmal. Usually Mike's tastes refreshing, hardly alcoholic at all, but this was one step above FourLoko.

2019-06-30 04:58:20 UTC  

Looking forward to you asserting that you like it, now that you know I don't.

2019-06-30 05:00:20 UTC  

I don't drink hard lemonade or other wine coolers so I wouldn't know

2019-06-30 05:09:44 UTC

2019-06-30 05:29:21 UTC  

"it's just a meme bro, dont think too hard"

2019-06-30 07:53:14 UTC  

What the hell is that zoomer looking garbage

2019-06-30 08:39:37 UTC  

This is what they got in Russia

2019-06-30 09:22:34 UTC  

@Spook & Spell still better hands than @Matthew

2019-06-30 09:40:03 UTC  

>dedicated gamer sip

2019-06-30 09:40:20 UTC  

step 1, know your target customers

2019-06-30 12:09:30 UTC  

@thelizard no matter how many times you ping me, I won't be your friend

2019-06-30 12:09:47 UTC  

Keeping the tsundere act up, aye?

2019-06-30 12:09:48 UTC  

the trick is to never ping matthew

2019-06-30 12:09:55 UTC  

once you do that, he becomes ur friend instantly

2019-06-30 12:15:36 UTC  

I'm everybody's friend.

2019-06-30 12:15:47 UTC  

Except for handlets

2019-06-30 12:29:13 UTC  

Nobody is a handlet in direct comparison to you

2019-06-30 12:29:20 UTC  

Not even your high overlord president

2019-06-30 12:39:17 UTC  


2019-06-30 13:05:41 UTC

2019-06-30 13:06:13 UTC  

even the graph is like owo

2019-06-30 13:08:37 UTC  


2019-06-30 13:09:44 UTC  

I can't believe Nazism is more popular than trap hentai

2019-06-30 13:13:12 UTC  

Don't worry, it's not REAL nazism. It's 2019 "people I don't like say Nazism is bad, so I'll say I'm a Nazi to upset them!"

2019-06-30 13:23:21 UTC  

Or it's people who deliberately look for things to complain about.

2019-06-30 13:24:00 UTC  


2019-06-30 13:26:06 UTC  

What's that supposed to mean, cunt.

2019-06-30 13:26:54 UTC  

Oh, nothing.

2019-06-30 13:27:06 UTC  

what nazi would google "nazism"

2019-06-30 13:29:45 UTC  

What connoisseur would get his trap hentai from Google?

2019-06-30 13:29:46 UTC