Message from @Derek Nelson

Discord ID: 590766204902178826

2019-06-19 04:49:02 UTC  

It is like you look for water in the Old Testament then anything found you say Baptism. No Baptism is a specific rite. It has a specific purpose in most religions.

2019-06-19 04:49:28 UTC  

(1 Cor 10:1-2). He writes, “…our ancestors were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea, and all of them were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.” Israel was saved from bondage through water, God's Word, and the Spirit (the cloud that went before and behind Israel was the presence of God). In the same way, God saves us from the Egypt of slavery to sin and death by leading us through the Red Sea of Baptism.

2019-06-19 04:49:51 UTC  

Steve its like you can't see the forest from the Trees

2019-06-19 04:50:02 UTC  

At the Jordan river, when God through Joshua brought Israel into the Promised Land, we again read about water, God's Word, and Spirit. It was no coincidence that Jesus was baptized in this same river. But now, on account of Jesus, we're led into the heavenly Promised Land. Jesus’ name in Hebrew is Joshua. Jesus is the new Joshua who leads us into the kingdom of God through Baptism. That's why he tells Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God, without being born of water and Spirit (John 3:5). We are born again in the Jordan of Baptism.

2019-06-19 04:50:02 UTC  

**John 3:5 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<5> Jesus answered, "Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. ```

2019-06-19 04:50:03 UTC  

You can not use the New Testament to prove the New Testament. Circular reasoning.

2019-06-19 04:50:12 UTC  


2019-06-19 04:50:14 UTC  

and read

2019-06-19 04:50:37 UTC  

Since you prefer the OT read this

2019-06-19 04:50:45 UTC  

Tell me what you think it may be referring too..

2019-06-19 04:50:47 UTC  

Finally, Ezekiel the prophet preaches about how God will speak His Spirit into us in the last days. God says, “I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you from all your impurities… I will give you a new heart and place the new Spirit within you… I will put my Spirit within you and make you live by my statutes, careful to observe my decrees. You shall live in the land I gave your fathers; you shall be my people, and I will be your God” (36:25-26a).

2019-06-19 04:50:57 UTC  

read it closely brother

2019-06-19 04:51:38 UTC  

Nicodemus. We are born of water. What it refers to. Reincarnation.

2019-06-19 04:52:11 UTC  

"I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you from all your impurities".....this is screaming Baptism brother

2019-06-19 04:52:23 UTC  

its proclaiming it with a thunderous voice

2019-06-19 04:52:37 UTC  

We get a new heart in a new body. A new life in a very good land.

2019-06-19 04:52:45 UTC  

we know baptism cleanses you from sins....

2019-06-19 04:52:55 UTC  

so....its right ther ein ezekiel

2019-06-19 04:53:01 UTC  

When the water breaks the child is born.

2019-06-19 04:53:41 UTC  

New heart. New place. Reincarnation.

2019-06-19 04:53:59 UTC  

Water breaking is a far cry from thunder.

2019-06-19 04:54:16 UTC  

Again in reference to the passage I quoted in Ezekiel, I feel like you cant see the forest for the trees

2019-06-19 04:54:25 UTC  

Why was John the Baptist asked are you Moses. Are you Elijah. They all know his father as he was very important in the Temple.

2019-06-19 04:54:38 UTC  

@Derek Nelson was a figure of speech

2019-06-19 04:54:48 UTC  

They had to have believed in reincarnation.

2019-06-19 04:55:01 UTC  

Because John was a holy man doing the will of God.

2019-06-19 04:55:21 UTC  

And he said he was not the Christ.

2019-06-19 04:55:23 UTC  

So a figure of speech there to dismiss it. But a long reach is true when you want it to be.

2019-06-19 04:55:43 UTC  

They believed in a lot of things that were not True Steve. The Talmud is a great place to start....just because theyt may have believed in reincarnation does not mean its true

2019-06-19 04:56:21 UTC  

Just saying there are reasons to believe in reincarnation.

2019-06-19 04:56:41 UTC  

"It is for a MAN to DIE ONCE.....then the Judgment "

2019-06-19 04:56:48 UTC  

i dont think so

2019-06-19 04:56:51 UTC  

Not that you should believe it. You should stay christian.

2019-06-19 04:56:59 UTC  

yes we should

2019-06-19 04:57:20 UTC  

the Bible trumps your "reasons"

2019-06-19 04:57:21 UTC  

Reincarnation would mean I could place myself as Horatio Nelson. Where I could claim I’m your hero. It’s a load of crap.

2019-06-19 04:58:03 UTC  

Murders have been solved by people who remember a past life. There is a lot of evidence reincarnation is real.

2019-06-19 04:58:29 UTC  

thats a lot of spiritism and bull

2019-06-19 04:58:33 UTC  

Sorry I could not be of more help Steve in trying to explain this to you, I am still learning myself and I too can be very stiff necked when it comes to certain doctrines....take the trinity for example. We are all learning. As long as we are willing to listen, there is a chance we will come to the truth its when we stop listening entirely that we risk losing everything.

2019-06-19 04:58:38 UTC  

what murders?

2019-06-19 05:00:27 UTC  

There was a man murdered in Europe. I forget which country. He was reborn and told authorities all about it after explaining a city he had never been in. He went there with them and showed them the grave and instruments used to kill him. They were able to convict the man based on that evidence, not his testimony.