Message from @jeremy

Discord ID: 577932532784562178

2019-05-14 17:13:52 UTC  


2019-05-14 17:14:44 UTC  

@jeremy Flying along the tropic of capricorn, you have to keep turning the whole time right?

2019-05-14 17:15:12 UTC  

u have to keep turning either way

2019-05-14 17:15:26 UTC  

east brings u to the equator no matter where u are on earth besides north and south pole

2019-05-14 17:17:26 UTC  

@jeremy So if I fly straight to east, I would turn left constantly?

2019-05-14 17:17:49 UTC  

idk i know if u go straight east anywhere u end up at the equator and not circumnavigating

2019-05-14 17:19:10 UTC  

If I fly along equator, do I turn or go straight?

2019-05-14 17:20:17 UTC  

im not sure viher

2019-05-14 17:20:25 UTC  

on a flat earth map

2019-05-14 17:20:27 UTC  


2019-05-14 17:21:30 UTC  

i dont think pilots have to be in on it

2019-05-14 17:23:33 UTC  

im not prepared to debate piloting or flight plans over the globe vs flat earth

2019-05-14 17:23:57 UTC  

all i know is if u go east u end up at the equator

2019-05-14 17:24:03 UTC  

from anywhere on earth

2019-05-14 17:24:12 UTC  

u dont circumnavigate

2019-05-14 17:24:28 UTC  

i just dont think pilots would have to be in on it

2019-05-14 17:24:44 UTC  

u could never keep a secret with all those people

2019-05-14 18:33:14 UTC  

Pilots are SWORN to not speak out

2019-05-14 18:33:27 UTC  

Or lose everything

2019-05-14 18:33:36 UTC  

They know it

2019-05-14 18:57:33 UTC  

i think he was joking

2019-05-14 19:48:48 UTC  

gravity is the formula for why things fall to earth right

2019-05-14 19:50:59 UTC  

Isn't gravity just a force that a mass exerts on another mass?

2019-05-14 20:03:03 UTC  

Through gravitational waves yes

2019-05-14 23:19:44 UTC  

Has any flat earther tried to be a pilot?

2019-05-15 00:04:07 UTC  

Has any flat earther ever tried to be an astronomer?

2019-05-15 00:11:44 UTC  

their are flat earth pilots and looking at objects and lights that move above us proves nothing

2019-05-15 00:21:22 UTC  

jeremy You mean studying objects

2019-05-15 00:25:41 UTC  

@jeremy not to mention South Pole Telescope telescope that **you guessed it** is in the south pole, where day time and night time stretches to 6 months long.

2019-05-15 00:25:55 UTC  

yes studying objects and lights in the sky that move doesn not prove anything

2019-05-15 00:26:31 UTC  

So studying gravity's affect on planet formation, and star formation doesn't prove the earth is also a sphere?

2019-05-15 00:27:44 UTC  

gravity like mass attracting mass due to mass ?

2019-05-15 00:27:49 UTC  

id need to see proof of that

2019-05-15 00:27:58 UTC  


2019-05-15 00:28:41 UTC  

Yet you were judging how astronomy don't show gravity

2019-05-15 00:29:07 UTC  

Look at Saturn's moons, kept into orbit with Saturn's gravity.

2019-05-15 00:30:30 UTC  

well ur assuming its because mass is attracted to mass due to their mass

2019-05-15 00:30:45 UTC  

like i said u wanna say gravity prove it

2019-05-15 00:31:09 UTC  

So if it isn't gravity then why isn't this so called force affecting earth

2019-05-15 00:31:17 UTC  

And if it is, how?

2019-05-15 00:31:47 UTC  

im not saying it isnt gravity im saying mass attracting mass due to their mass is a huge claim and their is no proof of it