Message from @s t a i n e d g l a s s
Discord ID: 576266713323143198
Show only went for a season. Has a Twitter though, apparently
Well, Season 13, nothing else since January
Last thing was a buzzfeed video oof
It is incredibly ridiculous, even just reading the subjects.
*Ancient astronaut theorists discuss if Grigori Rasputin, the Nazi SS, and Aleister Crowley were in league with sinister otherworldly entities.*
*Ancient astronaut theorists discuss if legendary aquatic monsters such as Kappa, Champ, and the Kraken may be alien creatures that originate from underwater wormholes to other dimensions.*
They probably think the moon is actually an alien spacecraft
And that bigfoot is an interdimensional entity travelling through wormholes
That's impressive
@Derek Nelson I love that man and ancient aliens
More men should have his hair
flat earthers sound reasonable in comparison
I’m done looking at crazy hair for one night.
who is that guy?
Wow that hair
He supposedly murdered his wife.
Or something
Have to admit. Nobody does it like Bob Ross.
Even if he was a shill
He wasn't a shill
He is OG
lol! ..i seen >> BOB ROSS at >> Walmart, yesterday lol 😂 👍
and ...
lol...i took a PICTURE of him, ..too ; )
--lemme grab the picture out of my , phone and place it on my computer then i will share it lol >>
---hang on ...give me like 3 MINUTES ....................
Let’s get a tree in there. Let’s give it a friend too. Everybody needs a friend. - Bob Ross.