Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 583229820763373568

2019-05-29 09:37:08 UTC  

"if you don’t have a job, you are left to die."

2019-05-29 09:39:02 UTC  

Why Can't Homeless People Get Jobs?

They don't have addresses, and most employers require addresses. This is a lose-lose situation: They can't get a place to live until they get a job, but can't get a job until they get a place to live.
Many employers won't consider unemployed job applicants (not even those with homes).
Many homeless people don't have reliable phones, and this becomes an obstacle to employment. Even if they have a phone, they might not always have a way to charge it.
It's hard to stay clean and neat when you're homeless, and most employers require grooming.
Many have gaps in their employment history, which is something that employers are suspicious about.
They have lousy credit scores. Many employers do credit screenings on potential employees, and when you're homeless, your credit score will suffer.
They don't have cars, and many jobs require one. Expensive transportation can be a huge obstacle to getting to work.
They have criminal records as a result of their homelessness (and sometimes, their only crime was not having a place to sleep).
Many are disabled. Many people with mental or physical disabilities end up on the street.
Addiction might play a part. Addictions prevent them from looking for work and from getting hired. Many employers assume homeless people are addicts.
Many have jobs already. Despite having a job, people still can still lose their homes or be unable to afford housing.

2019-05-29 09:40:06 UTC  

Do homeless people choose to be homeless?

How could anyone possibly think that sleeping outside, getting beaten and abused, and suffering humiliation after humiliation is preferable to working and having a safe, comfortable place to sleep, protection from assault, and respect from your fellow man? If a person really thought that the horror of homelessness was better than working a job, wouldn't that be pretty insane in itself? It's not a choice.

2019-05-29 09:41:15 UTC  

No workie... No eatie

2019-05-29 09:41:40 UTC  

Can I work please? No you're homeless
Can I have some money please? Go get a job you lazy bum.

2019-05-29 09:42:01 UTC  

Can I have a home please? No, you don't have any money

2019-05-29 09:42:02 UTC  

At least offer to mow the lawn or something

2019-05-29 09:42:16 UTC  


2019-05-29 09:42:33 UTC  

Liberals want it all FREE

2019-05-29 09:45:01 UTC  

tseries 1k away from 100mill

2019-05-29 09:45:05 UTC  

BLACK BILLIONAIRE PAYS OFF 40 million dollars in students loans at college graduation. WHAT A FRIKKN IDIOT

2019-05-29 09:45:39 UTC  

how is that dumb

2019-05-29 09:46:17 UTC  

It doesnt create any pay back for the student.. its bad learning

2019-05-29 09:46:28 UTC  

I'm dying oh my god

2019-05-29 09:46:47 UTC  

They created debt. They should pay it off. Not get a free bee

2019-05-29 09:46:50 UTC  

I was just reading an applicants c.v, someone who wants to work for me

2019-05-29 09:46:57 UTC  

Can I have a job? No you're not skilled enough.
Can I have some qualifications please? Sorry you can't afford the tuition fees.
Can I have some money to pay for my tuition? No

2019-05-29 09:47:05 UTC  

"Main weaknesses: My knees"

2019-05-29 09:47:14 UTC  

Hahah. Always the knees

2019-05-29 09:47:28 UTC  

The questions as going for like

2019-05-29 09:47:39 UTC  

Mental stuff

2019-05-29 09:47:42 UTC  

Not physical

2019-05-29 09:52:43 UTC  

Street homeless

2019-05-29 09:56:25 UTC  


2019-05-29 10:03:54 UTC  

But I was homeless

2019-05-29 10:04:04 UTC  

It's by design

2019-05-29 10:14:04 UTC  


2019-05-29 10:17:16 UTC

2019-05-29 10:17:20 UTC

2019-05-29 10:17:25 UTC

2019-05-29 10:17:27 UTC

2019-05-29 10:17:31 UTC

2019-05-29 10:18:02 UTC  

<@280964513556332544> What **causes** gravity?

2019-05-29 10:18:50 UTC  

why not

2019-05-29 10:19:37 UTC  

Really filling out that ***"reee"*** comment, there, bud.