Message from @L o k i
Discord ID: 589886040416976916
If you can’t argue about the earth, then don’t argue with me about the sun.
I think the appeal of freedom in this group is what draws people to it, anyone saying they are being oppressed for thoughts that can be proven (gamergate, flat earth, etc) instantly gain a following.
Then why isn't there a gamer server then?
Like when the first guy suggested the earth was round, the freedom of the subject to be able to break away from the norm was what made people follow it, especially after he died.
Jesus is also an example of these.
Flat earth was already gaining popularity without censorship.
Being censored is just shooting themselves in the foot.
So maybe we need to ask ourselves how deep are we willing to dig before we become *too* distanced? Anything shared with a group of other people will have other people wanting to break away from it. So maybe us, as a collective society, shouldn't focus so much on belief rather what the facts of the world are.
If this is what you are aiming for, I am all for it. Otherwise, reevaluation is needed.
The fact is, earth is not a ball. At all.
It’s literally provable by the scientific method of observation, measurement and experiment.
Ball earth can’t do any of it.
Because it IS a Belief.
Then right on.
I agree.
Belief has and always will control a certain portion of human life, from the beginning time to the end of it, but decreasing that portion of our lives is something I can get behind.
Belief is a part of humanity. We were made to be believing. By default, a flat earth requires a Creator. And it’s not a coincidence that the Bible describes the earth for what we in fact see.
See, I'm a very loyal Christian, and everything Jesus or God stood for was learning the truth and being alive in it. This is why baptism became so popular, because it was signifying a rebirth.
I don't want to get rid of belief altogether, because that would erase facts as well. You have to believe something to be able to have the motivation to prove it, and once you prove it, then your belief is justified.
My goal is to get rid of unjustified belief, which I feel like this group and the people in it have a collective goal similar to mine.
Going to get something to eat. But yeah. Stick around. Have a good day.
@L o k i you're verified so you can now post images
Thank you!
@Human Sheeple Can I too post pictures? Would be very usefull for most things I talk about
You know I won't troll anyone
No, you're an alchemist who failed to make gold, everybody at Cambridge walks out of your lectures, you assert this invisible elastic band called grabbity that nobody can prove, you're a member of the Royal Society, you are in league with John Dee who is an overt Satanist, you can get to fuck.
@Human Sheeple is there such a thing as the electric force between charges?
Lol, except I am not actually Isaac Newton
But if I see him around here I'd be sure to let him know
@Big Daddy I am starting to question what "force" actually is, I think you require energy to create an acceleration. "force" relies upon this arbitrary unit called "mass" which is the resistance to acceleration, yet light can cause acceleration, has no "mass" yet has energy.
I am more of an accelerationist, energy is ultimately what causes acceleration, not force.
We can prove gravity as well as any other force
electric forces are universal