Message from @A Search for Roche's Rifle
Discord ID: 589974826110812170
If it's by the CDC ofc
Hm, that infrared pic
500? No superglobe can justify that
lmao wtf
ofc it is
heck you
space is interesting
space is fake
**Question Of The Day #112**
Were Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler secret allies?
We want to know what you think in the <#484514023698726912> 😃
Winston was offered PEACE ACCORDS by Hitler over 2 dozen times.. Churchill refused him everytime. THEY WERE NOT SECRET ALLIES.
Hitler tried to warn the world about the Jewish banking cartels that manipulated the backdrop of War. No one listened
Warburgs... Rothchilds... and devious others in 1913 screwed the USA into a hideous night mare of FRACTIONAL BANKING and DEBT.. We do not even PRINT our own money.. its done by the offshore banking cartels
it was the Nightmare at JEKYLL ISLAND
we dealt with worse
i think
NO WE have not.. that one deal has screwed us for over 100 years
the start up of the "FEDERAL RESERVE" was the biggest mistake in recent US history
its one of the Main reasons they KILLED KENNEDY
Kennedy was returning us to "GREENBACKS " and a SILVER backed system as well as abolishing the IRS and CIA
He had a huge target on his back
that is one idea
not an idea... the brutal truth
yo huys
im going to say
the n word
u ready
no yer not
another idea that Kennedy did not actually die
and that it was all a Freemasonic ritual sacrificial hoax
naah he is dead