Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 499971469762363402
Everyone should start liking this tweet
Its from a year ago btw
@Reinhard Wolff me @ChippedStones @Jawa and @Conatus produce the best content for you
If you eat a wheel that’s still spinning technically it’ll have its own gravitational pull inside your stomach.
However the resistance it encounters when it hits your throat may slow it down.
resistance? psshh who needs insides
the smaller the object the faster it must spin too
The spin may be faster but the gravitational pull behind a larger object would be more significant.
Mass x Speed= Gravity
The larger the mass the stronger the gravity.
I'm assuming this artificial gravity is based on the concept of centripetal force?
umm sweety
artificial gravity would only be generated within the spinning wheel
there is a gravitational pull between all objects it just so small its a negligible force. So the wheel to have an effect on you would have to be quite large and it doesnt need to be spinning in order to exert a force
That’s why mass and the speed of the spin is so important. If it’s just the object spinning around a stationary object you’ll get what Default describes
you could always eat miniature black hole, if you desired that much gravitational pull inside you?
You’d need to see it first though, since light can’t escape it. Plus it’d need to be a much weaker black hole that has a event horizon that’s so small you can safely eat it. Even then your ribs would likely break and you stomach walls cave in due to the amount of gravitational pull it’s generating
Dare I say this is the best IE banner drop we’ve done?
If @Jawa was to give notch a spinning Minecraft block to eat then I’m sure we could all say that Minecraft has had a physical impact on the world rather than digital.
We’re going too far into metaphysics for me boys talk to me when electricity is applied to a network.
This ain’t meta physics though, it’s physics
@Jawa If we apply a 120 V of AC power to a Minecraft redstone wire what will the current be as it passes through a redstone repeater.
I’m working on it now @MrDefault
Well considering that red stone runs at a rate of 80 Vmax were gonna need a few resistors in order to not blow the circuit.
is that the IE hadron supercollider?
Considering current is A = V/ R I can imagine a few resistors will be 40 Ohms of resistance. So currents gonna be 120/ 40 or 3 amp.
Red stone while having a low voltage can output a lot of power due to its “advanced *ryan technology”
This is also per block of red stone. Meaning that pistons are a very low ohms in its current to get things going.
Interesting I figured we just put a red stone transformer with an iron block core in order to step down the voltage
Yeah however gold is a better conductor so it may be better to go with that
But we don’t need conductor we need to be able to create a magnetic from the larger coil to effect the magnetic field of the smaller coil in order to drop the voltage down. So iron is much more magnetic and cheaper than gold.
Yall making a neon sign for minecraft activism?
We’re making something beautiful
Let’s talk about how Limbo is basically your mind being uploaded to a Minecraft world and you left there by yourself for a eternity.
@ChippedStones dude that was deep