Message from @Metaphysical Monarchist
Discord ID: 464978338985934849
Low Church more prot
Tbh, I'm a Sedavancantist
I know some Anglicans don't consider themselves Protestant
I consider them protestant
I'm a pagan
double oof
@Scooter2000 No cause we are not sola Scriptura
The Monarch is the Church supreme Governor
And chooses Archbishop of Canterbury to represent
Catholicism or grfo
So we have heirarchy and little of the prot dogma
I'm laying on my bed, with my shirt off
AngloCatholism FTW
Watching America first
I never have less than two layers on
@Metaphysical Monarchist Yeah but you believe in a lot of Protestant doctrines, you don't believe in transubstantiation, you have a heretical ordination etc.
don't you get warm?
Always feel cold tbh
What’s up everybody it’s Ben Shapiro and you’re watching Disney Channel
Protestants, Orthos, Modernist Catholics btfod
Although, if I wasn't Catholic, I'd be Anglican
If I’m out i might have to take of the second layer like at a party or something
Most of my friends are Catholic
@Scooter2000 True But we have Bishops and the Monarch as Gods representative in the Church -not very prot like I said its supposed to be a mixture of prot/cath
But I mostly I like wearing a suit jacket or sweater
just call it 4th way Christianity
Daily reminder to watch this
@Scooter2000 What does that even mean?
@Deleted User Daily Reminder to Read Siege
@Metaphysical Monarchist Not Catholic, not Orthodox, not Protestant