Message from @JonJon
Discord ID: 468138004716847104
🔫 A Quarter Of Illinois Counties Declared ‘Gun Sanctuaries’ 🔫 Posted at 8:30 am on July 15, 2018 Last week the Mercer County Board unanimously approved a measure to make the county the 30th gun sanctuary county in Illinois, The Dispatch-Argus reported.
Baily olson?
@JonJon She was @B75434425 on Twitter but was suspended this week. She posted Trump's tweets and lots of government info.
@D3M0_Anon Yes
@Jayde Hey u left lol
Anything going on up here?
@JonJon I know. They're still posting crazy stuff. Saying they did this back in 2012 too. Unreal
@KLee should re-appear here
yeah, im late to the story lol
@D3M0_Anon Hope Bailey does come back. I miss her posts.
They'll eventually migrate over here
Everyone follows Gina and Bella
You have gained a rank @hesalive, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
🐛 FLASHBACK: Parasite is named after Obama 🐛 The new species was discovered by Thomas Platt, an expert on turtle parasites, and was dubbed the name “Baracktrema obamai.”
The new parasitic flatworm was so unusual that it needed not only a new species designation, but its own genus as well.