Message from @D3M0_Anon
Discord ID: 468137396299497502
I do agree
🔫 A Quarter Of Illinois Counties Declared ‘Gun Sanctuaries’ 🔫 Posted at 8:30 am on July 15, 2018 Last week the Mercer County Board unanimously approved a measure to make the county the 30th gun sanctuary county in Illinois, The Dispatch-Argus reported.
@JonJon She was @B75434425 on Twitter but was suspended this week. She posted Trump's tweets and lots of government info.
@D3M0_Anon Yes
or supposedly got to do with
@Jayde Hey u left lol
Anything going on up here?
@JonJon I know. They're still posting crazy stuff. Saying they did this back in 2012 too. Unreal
@KLee should re-appear here
yeah, im late to the story lol
@D3M0_Anon Hope Bailey does come back. I miss her posts.
They'll eventually migrate over here