Message from @ChordFunc

Discord ID: 760615726293188619

2020-09-29 21:20:59 UTC  

Hilary takes pharmaceutical money (πŸ˜‰)

2020-09-29 21:21:22 UTC  

He sells snake oil and the best shop window is in the White House.

2020-09-29 21:21:49 UTC  
2020-09-29 21:21:50 UTC  

What snake oil?

2020-09-29 21:22:13 UTC  

Its your money, you agree to pay it to the government, but it is not the governments money

2020-09-29 21:22:15 UTC  

The stuff you bought from Trump today! ;)

2020-09-29 21:22:39 UTC  

.... such as?

2020-09-29 21:24:09 UTC  

It is a phrase. From the olde days, travelling salesmen, con men, hawkers...

2020-09-29 21:24:23 UTC  

Selling a fake cure fir everything.

2020-09-29 21:24:32 UTC  

Making a dollar on a scam.

2020-09-29 21:28:03 UTC  

I think he knows what the term means

2020-09-29 21:28:13 UTC  

He’s asking for substantiation of the claim

2020-09-29 21:28:36 UTC  

He's got everyone arguing over little bits and bobs, keeps people busy, and he and his empire carrying on in great little game of self interests.

2020-09-29 21:30:13 UTC  


2020-09-29 21:30:26 UTC  

And some of the riches one DO something ( for example ) Elon Musk... Thats what you want... You want smart people to have so money so we can do cool shit... Like going to mars :p

2020-09-29 21:30:45 UTC  

Every1 knows Trumpy wins πŸ₯³

2020-09-29 21:30:57 UTC  

Gotta crack a few omelets to make a rocket ship

2020-09-29 21:32:16 UTC  

Guys, who actually paid the 750 USD tax? Trump as a citizen or Trump Companies? I didn't get it.

2020-09-29 21:32:18 UTC  

@ThePangburn do they have the lottery in Canada ?

2020-09-29 21:35:20 UTC  

They are often heavly intertwined, if your community wins, you often win...

2020-09-29 21:35:34 UTC  

Its good capitalism

2020-09-29 21:36:04 UTC  

of course thats not always true with online businesses I guess

2020-09-29 21:36:41 UTC  

I'd rather have a Trump paying 750 USD in taxes with thousands of employees than having a janitor Trump no employees paying 7500 USD / year.

2020-09-29 21:38:33 UTC  

==> Bottom line: America is richer with Trump than without Trump.

2020-09-29 21:39:06 UTC  

Because America is richer with the laws which enable the emergence of a man like Trump.

2020-09-29 21:39:07 UTC  

@zino Like I tried to argue earlier in the chat, often the value of a business is not the taxes it pays

2020-09-29 21:39:20 UTC  


2020-09-29 21:39:44 UTC  

the value of business is the value it provides to its customers, created by the employees, whose lives are enabled by that enterprise

2020-09-29 21:40:30 UTC  


2020-09-29 21:42:15 UTC  

The more Americans fight and argue with Mr Trump, the more businessmen will be scared and try to evade even more taxes by moving elsewhere. So on a larger scale, quarrels are not beneficial.

2020-09-29 21:42:19 UTC  

@pete, 100 % .... Value, is subjective though

2020-09-29 21:43:54 UTC  

@James B I agree

2020-09-29 21:45:15 UTC  

Some companies must be kept alive even if they loose money. Like Aeroplane industry. We can't put all airplanes in junkyards and stop intercontinental flights alltogether.

2020-09-29 21:46:13 UTC  

We can't close hospitals because they don't make a profit. A Government can't be lead as a corporation. It's absurd πŸ˜‚

2020-09-29 21:47:24 UTC  

== Social utility === hehe

2020-09-29 21:47:39 UTC  

It is the Triple Bottomline
Social Responsibility

2020-09-29 21:49:01 UTC  

I think most businesses are pretty moral, most buinessess are not facebook-types

2020-09-29 21:51:57 UTC  

Trump should say tonite: "You'd have prefered me fire 1000 people or pay 1 milion dolars in tax?"

2020-09-29 21:52:27 UTC  

I'd rather keep all the people i can.

2020-09-29 21:53:00 UTC