Message from @Yussuki ₪
Discord ID: 760616065217593366
What snake oil?
Its your money, you agree to pay it to the government, but it is not the governments money
The stuff you bought from Trump today! ;)
.... such as?
It is a phrase. From the olde days, travelling salesmen, con men, hawkers...
Selling a fake cure fir everything.
Making a dollar on a scam.
I think he knows what the term means
He’s asking for substantiation of the claim
He's got everyone arguing over little bits and bobs, keeps people busy, and he and his empire carrying on in great little game of self interests.
And some of the riches one DO something ( for example ) Elon Musk... Thats what you want... You want smart people to have so money so we can do cool shit... Like going to mars :p
Every1 knows Trumpy wins 🥳
Gotta crack a few omelets to make a rocket ship
Guys, who actually paid the 750 USD tax? Trump as a citizen or Trump Companies? I didn't get it.
@ThePangburn do they have the lottery in Canada ?
They are often heavly intertwined, if your community wins, you often win...
Its good capitalism
of course thats not always true with online businesses I guess
I'd rather have a Trump paying 750 USD in taxes with thousands of employees than having a janitor Trump no employees paying 7500 USD / year.
==> Bottom line: America is richer with Trump than without Trump.
Because America is richer with the laws which enable the emergence of a man like Trump.
@zino Like I tried to argue earlier in the chat, often the value of a business is not the taxes it pays
the value of business is the value it provides to its customers, created by the employees, whose lives are enabled by that enterprise
The more Americans fight and argue with Mr Trump, the more businessmen will be scared and try to evade even more taxes by moving elsewhere. So on a larger scale, quarrels are not beneficial.
@pete, 100 % .... Value, is subjective though
Some companies must be kept alive even if they loose money. Like Aeroplane industry. We can't put all airplanes in junkyards and stop intercontinental flights alltogether.
We can't close hospitals because they don't make a profit. A Government can't be lead as a corporation. It's absurd 😂
== Social utility === hehe
It is the Triple Bottomline
Social Responsibility
I think most businesses are pretty moral, most buinessess are not facebook-types
Trump should say tonite: "You'd have prefered me fire 1000 people or pay 1 milion dolars in tax?"
I'd rather keep all the people i can.
@brucebruce (y)
@ChordFunc when it comes to the subjectivity of value, that's where prices and wages are negotiated
I meant that, price is not the same as value