Message from @m.miller
Discord ID: 756935920103456931
Does anyone recall how he used to open concerts?
"I'm Huey Lewis, and ......"
No how? 😀
Oh I'm panicking about book club I'm checking for wine.
Yeah I'm totally unprepared. What book are we doing? 😁
"I'm Huey Lewis, and this is The News!"
Anyone up for Ullman's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry?
(if bought in dead tree, UPS drivers have a hand truck suggested for the 4 cartons.)
How about a comparison of Woodward's Fear vs Rage, and how he played Trump from staying distant, to setting himself up for a takedown?
Can someone please reshape the moral landscape pdf link
@StoneCold316 It's in the pinned messages, if ya don't know where to find it, here's a screenshot (gonna upload it again for ya tho ;)
I found it
oooh, dank :)
New to discord
np bud :)
Oooh yeah it won't take ya too long to get accustomed to it
maybe 2 weeks at most I'd say
Glad I could help though, if you have any requests let me know
Those of you who didn't make it to the meeting yesterday: let me know when you can hop on and have a brief chat. We are reading the introduction and chapter one of the moral landscape this week. @everyone
Can you hop into voice?
@everyone just a reminder that we are reading the introduction and chapter 1 of the moral landscape by Saturday the 26th
@everyone The first MAN HEALTH with Trav & Jer episode is about to drop! I will share it here. Please share this on your social media feeds and everywhere you possibly can to help it gain traction.
> The first MAN HEALTH with Trav & Jer episode is about to drop! I will share it here. Please share this on your social media feeds and everywhere you possibly can to help it gain traction.
@ThePangburn I'm interested in men's health issues, especially the positive vs toxic masculinity stuff. Any way to get involved on this?
Is that wingless avian on loan from Bible Camp, where faux-xtian sexuality predators do their best to indoctrine kids into delusion and fraud based dogma, intended to cripple healthy emotional or sex lives and pervert secular political standards?
did we meet today to discuss the moral landscape?
@BobbyMack it’s tomorrow
Highly recommended this book for anyone looking to reconcile religion and science
With all due respect it really does refute a large portion of Sam Harris' arguments
In my humble opinion
The Rock, can you please give us one simple example in which Jung debunks a single Sam Harris argument, as presented in that book? Because I've read it and couldn't find a single one. Thanks! 🤗 It is a 80 years old book that addresses Jung's point of view, derived from some clinical and personal experience. I would hardly classify it as a scientific book. However, even if it isn't a scientific book, I haven't find an argument to refute evolution. It is just simply something else. It was designed differently.
You have to understand Sam better if you think evolutionary psychology refutes his theory
Jung presents a case for religion as objectively superior to purely rationalistic systems when it comes to understanding, integrating, and making whole the collective subconscious and its respective contents within the individual. In short, our subconscious speaks in highly "irrational", symbolic processes, and modern intellectualism badly fails when it comes to managing and treating pathologies of this subconscious. Religion, however, does not, due to its in innately symbolic nature, and consequent affinity with subconscious processes.
The book is not derived from clinical experience, as far as I can tell. The majority of the book revolves around analysing psychological commonalities between different cultures, religions and mythologies, and using it to synthesize and explain archetypes and their meaning in our dreams / imagination. It does so in a manner of objective comparison of motifs and themes. The definition of science here seems unimportant to me. The method of enquiry is effective.
Though it is a topic I haven't yet seen Jung speak much on, I don't believe he at all attempts to refute evolution, but rather employs it as part of the puzzle to understanding the utility and value of religion in the psychic experience of the modern individual. Not to mention the psychic health of an entire nation.
Of course this does not excuse the shortcomings of religion, by which Harris is quite right.
Sam doesn't dispute that. The thing is: you don't need to think God is watching you from the sky to get those benefits. You can just listen to your unconscious and to mithology.
I think you underestimate how sophisticated and deep your subconscious is. It's not something you simply decide to fix.
I didnt say that
Not even close
What benefits are you referring to then?
Being moraly good for example