Message from @m.miller
Discord ID: 756703889637769238
If we compare two Robi/yns.....
One of these has worked in ways that advance social justice, and if engaged after workshops over issues with metrics and models she's used, is also aware of the problems in realistic, adequately simple systems to scale or classify complex humans, and has worked to improve same. (That I know from in person discussions after events.) The other does social justice warrior (SJW) virtue signalling, but is a dangerous nutcase the world might be better off without. Shouldn't be hard to tell which is which:
Then look up the Peggy McIntosh "knapsack", and consider whether it's a realistic model, or a sign of the Northhampton, MA neurotic bitches cult camp.
Which is most likely to have some rather problematic influence over Google HR practices, and in turn how staff treat users?
> @Zurich04 I totally agree i live by the Einstein quote where if you can’t explain something simply or to a level where someone can understand you don’t fully understand it yourself.
Are you really that dishonest, or prone to misrepresenting Einstein (an all too common logical fallacy practice)?
Einstein admonished to "keep it as simple as possible, but no simpler".
Common law interpretation of laws that are widely violated in practice, with impunity due to broken courts and corporate and government bad actors, is NOT simple. The paragraph of DMCA on which that was focused is, but there's no way anyone too lazy or stupid to find and read one paragraph, can be spoon fed the context and meaning.
Malicious law is drafted by treacherous, underhanded, sick fucks in power and their henchmen. Try reading the two paragraphs of Title V of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that purported to revive and expand the long since overturned Comstock Act. They were written to look like simple legislative codification conformance language, but were anything but that. They were also not obvious as to real meaning even to civil rights activists and counsel who tried to read that devious Bill, until months after its passage.
Sometimes tolerating facial hyper-simplicity is dangerous, and when other process fails, we need public drawing and quartering for officials. Lacking that, mandates for more detailed legislative justification, and bans on amendments that change meaning without new sections and clear topic headers, could be important protections even if more complexity is added.
What percentage of Americans are functionally literate enough to do such reading? I'd consider all who aren't, which is most, incompetent to be responsible adults in our democratic society, a serious paradox of competency and inclusion.
@everyone share your art! I want to know what inspires you artisticly 🙂
@everyone come hang out for @brucebruce appreciation chat!!
@everyone come get your ass destroyed in chess lol I'm on twitch and voice chat.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg died. Can't wait to hear the arguments on why it's ok to fill her seat with 6 weeks to go.
That’s a fat rip
@everyone Papa Trav is going live on YouTube in a few!! @everyone come stop by!!
Anyone watch the cosmic skeptic?
On YouTube
I love his videos
I think he’s the only person I’d want to meet or have a conversation with ahead of Sam Harris
I listen to Telltale more these days
Who hosts that?
... Telltale
I’ll check them out then
You're funny.
@LokiV what percentage of Americans are able to do such reading? Less than 10% without considerable time spent reading the relevant literature? Less than 5%? I don’t think a democracy should only be run by those who have the intellect to both sustain themselves and simultaneously keep up on the excruciating detail which you keep up with. It is an impossibility
@everyone it’s probably late for some, if not most of you, but I’m very curious on your guys’ views on abortion. You guys wanna hop in vc or just text about it or something?
vc tmrw or something sounds good
@kaizen don’t know if you already talked about it, but I should be free for the rest of the day.
I’m down
You guys want a moderator?
I mean I’m going in because I don’t have an opinion and I want to see what everyone thinks so I can form my own
But I’m sure we’d love to have you in there Michaela
Always fun with more people